Friday, July 11, 2008


Just thought you should know what a fantastic writer I am...and how deeply I challenge your reading skills ...

blog readability test

Try not to be too impressed by my large vocabulary (of made up words) and complex (run-on) sentence structure. I can't help is a gift. Beautiful writing giftedness...of a 13 to 14 year old.

Kudos to us and our smartness :)


  1. Heehee!
    Well, atleast you got junior high. I did this a while back and got elementary.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Me too! (I just checked) What does this say about us? I think it is okay. We can not be accused of being over someone's head!

  3. This is too funny! Junior High level...that must be why I enjoy reading your blog so much, it is on my level.

    I'm sneaking in a comment while I'm out of town, gotta love WiFi in the hotel rooms. Thanks for your prayers today.

  4. I like how you changed are to our halfway through! hehe!

  5. You're style is perfect just the way it is...large vocab, complex sentences, and all!

  6. Ouch. I am also a Jr. High writer. My oldest son would be so embarrassed. He is majoring in Creative Writing at college!!

  7. I love your blog and your writing -It must be some old wizard behind a curtain who doesnt really read them who makes this stuff up!!!You get my vote for realness everytime sweet lady!!!!
    Be blessed!

  8. I did this a while back and was too embarresed to post it on my blog.

  9. My blog is the same level. It's a wonder anyone can even understand it.


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