Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Hearing the Big News...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Goodbye Long Week...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Around the House
Enjoying: My family. Ben was on vacation last week and it was so nice to just have him around. The boys never cease to amaze me. They are each so unique, that when we're all together it's just plain amusing to me.
Learning: How to deal with people that drive me absolutely CRAZY. Maybe pastor's wives aren't supposed to admit that they find certain kinds of people very annoying to be around. But this one does. And although I'd like God to zap me with the ability to just "like" them, it's not that easy. Instead He's teaching me how to love them even in their annoyingness...which goes against my natural tendency. Very against.
Watching: I'm part way into season five of 24. I rented the season for a week, which means I really need to plow through it. I love that. Anyways, Sunday night Julie was quite horrified at how scary and violent it was. I tried to explain to her that she'd just have to watch it to "get" why we love it so much...I also may have explained that although the show is fictional, our government in America really does have to fight crazy terrorists and it is going to be's just too bad Jack Bauer isn't real. I digress. By last night, she sat through a couple episodes and I even heard her say "I see why you think it is so exciting"...she's coming around ;) But I am now convinced that you have to be American to truly love Jack Bauer.
Realizing: How blessed I am. Even in the tough stuff...blessed beyond measure.
Pondering: Why at the clinic and hospital yesterday (where I got to see and hear this little baby growing inside) everyone that found out this was my fourth baby had the same reaction, "Wow! Four?!?" As if three is normal but FOUR, gets a wow? Weird.
Studying: Daniel by Beth Moore. I had no idea how timely this study would be for me personally and so many others.
Wondering: If this little baby is a boy or a girl. What its name will be...because at this stage in the game I don't like any boy or girl names.
Remembering: Greater is He that is in me, than he that is in the world.
Friday, October 16, 2009
This Present Darkness...
- All Pastor's ever think about is spiritual stuff.
- They know the correct answer or action for every situation.
- They don't understand what it's like to be a normal, average person.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Just Reminding Myself...
"The days pass slowly but the years fly by"Or something like that. I remember thinking to myself, how stinkin' true.
- I've barely taken any pictures of anything going on. Many times I've missed out on what was going on, because who really wants a barfing lady sitting next to them? Frankly, I'd like her to go away.
- I've sent kids to school without reminding them to return books, homework, etc. because just getting them up and fed and out the door was all I could muster.
- I am so tired of laying on the couch that I've resorted to laying on the hard floor. I think I may have worn the couch out.
- I have had to cancel 2 hair cuts because I didn't think I could make it through the hour-long appointment. My hair is outta control and my next hair cut...November 3rd. It'll take her 2 hours to cut all this hair.
- All vanity diminishes in the face of nausea. I have worn sweatpants and t-shirts 90% of the time. Even picking my children up from school wearing the same shirt 2 days in a row. Good times.
- My husband has had to pick up the slack...big time. He's done a great job, and so have the kids...but I miss doing what I do...which is take care of them.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Oh That Kid...
Jake, our four year old, has been coming up with some crazy stuff lately.
- I hope we have a baby sister, then she can be my slave. (He's apparently a chauvinist already)
- I want to go with dad, I don't want to stay home with mom, she's naughty to me. (Which made me utter...I'll show you naughty...)
- Mrs. Simons (his preschool teacher) lives at the school...she told me. I'm not even kidding.
Friday, October 9, 2009
A Winner and a Baby
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A Favor and A Reward
I have a tiny little favor to ask of all you nice people.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Help Me...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Little Bit of This, Little Bit of That...
Barf. :)
I can't get blogger to flip this picture...imagine that. Our Ladies Bible Study is in week three of this study. Words cannot express how much I love it. Love it, love it, love it.
I bought these magnets in the dollar bin at Target. Makes me smile every time I go to the quite often.
Fake pumpkins and gourds that I cannot kill.
There are also a few things I am not loving...
1) The house goes from picked up to disaster in about 3.2 seconds. If I could just learn how to function well in mess then I would be set. Instead, I start to feel claustrophobic and get crabby.
Exhibit A:
Exhibit B: Their version of picking it up.
About three articles of clothing in that pile are actually dirty.
The stuff that used to be piled in baskets on the desk, until I walked past it this morning and my hips knocked it all on the floor.
I guess I've avoided the mess for long enough...better get at it. You can bet I'm gonna be listening to this song while
getting the job done. If I only had a tambourine... *wink*
Happy Thursday!