I hate playing catch up. Do you? It requires so much work. Whether it's trying to catch up with people I've lost contact with (which I do, because I'm terrible at keeping in touch, unless you count Facebook as keeping in touch), or blogging...playing catch up is tiring. And since my blogging in the past several months has been, shall we say,
pathetic, I have a lot to catch up on. And since "catching up" seems so not fun, I just do what I do best...procrastinate. I'm like a professional at it these days.
It's impressive. Except that it's not.
In blogging, and in life, I like to hit the ground right where I'm at. I like to talk about what's going on now, not yesterday or last week...or months ago. But I also can't leave this gaping whole in the last few months of our life in 2011. After all, this blog...
my blog is really for me. To keep track of me...my life, my family, my God. So I can process the now, and look back on the then and realize how good life really is. It's a bonus when others join along on the journey...but I write for me...my grammar is hardly good enough to "write" for anyone else. ;)
So I don't forget:
remodel/addition project started in June and is coming along steadily (it deserves it's own post soon), Noah played catcher on his 3rd grade little league team...and loved it, we went camping with friends, my family loved it and I didn't totally hate it, so we're good to go again next year, Lucy started walking in mid July, Noah went off to Jr. Boys camp for a week...and I survived., the first week of August was: missionary friends from Brazil,
Julie arriving back here, VBS, and missionary friends here to help for VBS. We celebrated Jake's 6th birthday, and continued Eli's vision therapy (which also deserves it's own post) We didn't get to the pool as often as we would have liked, but spend plenty of time there for swim lessons. Eli being baptized. Moved Julie into college just 15 minutes away. School started August 17th, and fall unofficially begins...for all practicality purposes. My boys loooove
AXE... Jake now calls deodorant "man smell" and because of the awesomeness of that, the whole family calls it that. All of that should have been about 45 posts. But it's not. And that's ok.
And what kind of "cramming all things summer into one blog post" be without at least a few pictures?!?
Lucy's favorite shoes. |
At the airport with Julie! |
Lucy's personality keeps shining brighter and brighter ;)
Getting Julie ready for college.
Eli 3rd grade, Jake Kindergarten, Noah 4th grade...standing in the doorway of the new addition, because next year it will look so different!
There. Caught up. That wasn't so bad. :)