Wednesday, June 13, 2012
It is What it Is...
But lately I can't shake the feeling that it's time. That ongoing inner dialogue with the Holy Spirit...Him nudging and me's a dance we're both familiar with.
So here goes. Here goes honesty. The unspoken thoughts turn to written-down-gone-viral-can't-be-taken-back words.
My words. My experience. My perspective. Completely and utterly one-side of a story that has, possibly, a different view from every direction. I'm not pretending to know the experience, or feelings of my other family members. That's their story. But I do know my thoughts. My feelings, and my take on life.
This is my story. (insert that sound from Law & Order)
For eleven years now, I have been part of a step-family. I may have just heard the whole internet mumble under their breath, who isn't? I know, I's common and old news. Cliche. And hard.
Being in a step-family is odd. And sometimes uncomfortable, even when you like them. And during the times that it does feel comfortable, it almost always feels awkward to me, even after all this time. Does that make sense?
Movies are made about it all the time. I mean, c'mon, we all know from Cinderella how mean and ugly step-mothers and step-sisters are. There's always two options shown...the mean-evil ones, and the super nice ones where everyone loves each other...cue The Brady Bunch. And then there's real life...
My parents divorced when I was 21ish. My Mom remarried when I was 23. By that time Ben and I had been married a couple years and I was very pregnant with my first-born, Noah. My sister was a teenager, and my brother was 11ish.
My Mom's new husband had three children as well, all in different stages of teenhood.
Both families were sort of reeling from the loss of their nuclear family. Mine, to a messy, painful divorce and theirs from the sudden loss of their mom (the details of which are not my story to tell.)
Because I was the oldest, and already married, my experience of the whole combining families is totally different than that of my siblings and step-siblings. I missed a lot of the drama. And because Ben and I were starting a family of our own, I was distracted enough, in all honesty, to just be content watching it all play out...from the outside.
My mom, and step-dad (whom I almost always referred to as "My Mom's Husband" rather than step-dad because I was grown when they married, but now after 11 years I can say he is a great guy and very much a father figure to me and a grandpa to my children) wanted us all to mesh together as a single family unit. They did not want it to be two families, but one family. And to their credit, they did all that they could to foster that. Their intentions were good.
In the beginning, I think we all kind of went along with it. Each family knew that there was no going back to their original family the idea of The Brady Bunch was appealing. We avoided using the term "step" whenever possible. We worked hard at treating each other like real siblings. And for me, that worked...for awhile.
And then time went on, and we all became older. New people were added to the family by marriage, babies were born...and lines were drawn by all. Sometimes visible one, and sometimes invisible. Sometimes I wanted those lines there, and sometimes I didn't, but either way, the lines are there. It's part of the complication of blending families. Because you're family, and at the same time, you're family once-removed.
And for me, it became too hard to treat everyone the same. Because we are not all the same. I care very much for my step-siblings and their families. They are good people. But the bond I have with them is not the same as with my sister and brother whom I share a father and mother with. A childhood with. A connection that just comes from being blood. My investment in my sister and brother is fierce. And my pretending otherwise is really beneficial to no one.
It is what it is. We were two families, joined into one...but we don't really become one, because you can't. We are still two, who do their best to function as one when we need to. And I think that's ok. And it's not anyone's first choice. And it's ok to say it. Out loud. It's not disrespectful. It's not out of anger, or apathy. It's from the heart. It's the truth.
I think after 11 years, we are all learning to let it be what it is, rather than forcing it into what we wish it were. And from what I can tell, it is sort of a never ending process. Each person figuring it out for themselves at their own pace, with their own rules, at the same time trying to figure out each other's pace and rules...the very definition of blending. It's tricky...which doesn't mean it's a bad thing...but it is tricky.
Sometimes the hardest thing to admit and be content with, is that it is what it is.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
This One Thought...
But this one thought...
That those speaking the loudest..who seek to have their opinions voiced, regardless...are often heard the least.
It turns people off. True story.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
We Over-complicate Things...
Pre-marital counseling is fun. Really fun. Generally, we do more marriage counseling than pre-marriage...just because most of the people around us are already married. Marriage counseling and fun rarely go together. Most of the time is spent with two people not-feeling very loving and trying to convince the couple that they can, in fact, repair the damage that's been done...pre-marital counseling involves trying to equip two people head over heals in love, to avoid the damage in the first place. One couple is in the valley, and the other, at the top of the world.
In pre-marital you've got two people who are desperately in love, and blissfully hopeful about their future. They're open to ideas, cautions, and plans. They want to do whatever it's going to take to keep the loving feeling they have. They're listening.
I like when people listen. I especially like giving counsel to people who are actually listening. As I look at ministry...from my perspective as the pastors wife, my hardest part in it is trying to minister to people who want answers, who want direction, who want to change...but most of the time they are not genuinely listening.
It didn't take me long in ministry to realize that I was only going to offer advice or counsel when asked...and even then I'm not sure they're always hearing what I'm saying. ;)
And through all the counseling...there's one lesson that God keeps pounding into my heart: It is so, so much easier to avoid the pitfalls of life, than it is to get out of them.
It's true in marriage, and it's true in life.
I think we make life more difficult than it needs to be sometimes. Is life full of hard stuff? Yep, for sure. But do we add selfish over-dramatics to it as well? Often.
I came across this verse this morning: Micah 6:8 "The Lord has told you what is good. He has told you what He wants from you: Do what is right to other people. Love being kind to others. And live humbly, trusting your God."
Sounds like a pretty good verse to build a healthy, godly marriage and life on. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated...just a matter of doing. That verse is going on my fridge. Today.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Telling Myself No...
Deep thinking. The kind of thinking that requires just too much effort to put into words.
The Bible has me thinking.
Books I'm reading have me thinking.
People around me have me thinking.
Ministry has me thinking.
See, lots of thinking going on. Lot's of reflecting. Evaluating. Observing. Analyzing. Changing.
I just finished the book Made to Crave. It deals with the food issue, yes, but it deals with other stuff on a different level as well. I may or may not have copied down half the book in quotes because it just spoke to me.
A couple things in particular just won't let go.
She says, "It's not the "how to" I'm missing. It's the "want to"...really wanting to make changes and deciding that the results of those changes are worth the sacrifice."
I'm not sure I've heard a more truer statement uttered. It used to be that admitting you had a problem was the first step to overcoming. From my experience in my own life and in ministry, admitting there's a problem is not difficult at all! We're fully aware we've got issues, it's the willingness to do whatever it takes, for however long it takes, in whatever way God says that we find the issue with.
1 Corinthians 10:23 Everything is permissible - but not everything is beneficial.
Seriously, read that again.
We live in a culture that doesn't like to tell ourselves "no." And, from my own observations of myself, and those around me, it is no different in the Christian culture than it is in the world's. Oh, we like to deceive ourselves into thinking it is. We've made lists of all the really bad things one can do, and we try our best to stay away from them. We give ourselves an invisible pat on the back for being such self-sacrificing people...but are we?
Who do we live for? Who do we live to please? Do we live as though we understand the truth of God's word when it says, Everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial? Do we seek out His wisdom on this? Do we tell ourselves no? Or do we justify? Do we tell ourselves we deserve to indulge in whatever it is we choose?
I'm good at justification. Really good. Unfortunately, justification is really just a nice word for lying-to-myself.
I'm pretty good with excuses too. And very good with lacking the "want to" in some areas, which I cleverly turn into "I just can't" but really, "I'm just lazy."
And the past few weeks, I've become disgusted. I'm not even sure disgusted is a strong enough word for it. It's as if, through God's Word, the Holy Spirit has shown me the ways in which I've been deceiving as a slave to the whims of my flesh.
And I've had enough. Enough justifying. Enough laziness. Enough excuses. Enough of telling myself yes, when I should be telling myself no. I'm tired of it in myself, and honestly...I'm tired of it in people around me too. Because it's enslaves each of us. I can't make people "want to." I can't.
But I can live as an example of one who surrenders my own will, and puts it in submission to my Heavenly Father's will for me. I can tell you, that there is such joy and FREEDOM in saying no to myself.
Your issues are likely going to look different than mine. Or maybe you have no issues at all *this is where I cough out the word denial under my breath* But, because I haven't already disclosed enough to you...I'll give you the truth I'm now speaking to myself. The little bit I like to call..
No Sarah...
You do not need so much sugar.
You are not too tired to get your butt up and run.
You do not need a snack...or ten snacks.
You are not too busy to spend time with God.
You get the idea.
And if you have issues with food, or issues with telling yourself "no" when you need to, I whole heartedly recommend Made to Crave...and this is most definitely not a paid for recommendation ;)
Anyone else out there in desperate need of telling themselves NO?
Friday, August 13, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
It's the Little Things...
- My husband letting me know the furnace had stopped working sometime in the middle of the night, he'd talked to a good friend and something must be wrong with the gas line. Ben heads off to work.
- I wake up and find that school has a 2 hour delay because of fog (also learn that it's the 6th day in a row without sunshine)
- Call the gas company and they send someone out.
- Teenager comes down stairs ready for school, not knowing that it's a late start. Not happy.
- Two day care kiddos arrive.
- Gas guy comes...gas is not the problem.
- Call friend who can fix the furnace.
- A dear friend calls, a tragic situation has happened in her family that lives far away. My heart hurts for her...
- Load 5 kids up in order to take 2 to school. Buckle everyone in. Gripe under my breath about the cold.
- On the way to school, someone drives right through the yield sign without ever wasn't super close, but close enough to make my heart pound.
- Get back home unload 2 preschoolers and a 7 month old. Walk into the house to have teenager tell me their ride to school over slept. Load preschoolers and baby back in the van, pick up teenagers friend, and take to highschool.
- Someone calls and needs a babysitter, I say no...which makes me feel bad for not helping.
- Friend comes and takes 5 minutes and furnace is fixed.
- Feed kids lunch, delay nap of 7 month old because...
- in 30 minutes I would need to load 3 kids up again to take one to preschool.
- My head hurts, my back hurts, my pregnant self is tired, my patience is tested...
Monday, January 11, 2010
- Took the boys bowling for the first time. I know! They'd never been bowling. We're terrible parents. Happy to report I won both games. Turns out I bowl better with a preggo belly. The bad news: I'm still totally sore from it. Sore from bowling...good grief.
- Started and finished (in the same day) Ted Dekkar and Frank Perreti's book House. Weird. Very weird. Turns out, a friend told me it's his worst (at her recommendation) I'm going to read Black next.
- My kids were supposed to have their yearly dental check up last fall. We never made it. Now, with all my prenatal appointments and juggling everyone's schedules already driving me crazy, I've decided to wait until summer to take them to the dentist. Maybe that makes me a bad parent. Oh least they've been bowling now.
- I hate winter in Iowa this year. I do. I've tried to look at the positive side of it, and well...I just can't find one. I think I need some more vitamin D.
- I ran 1.8 miles on the treadmill the other day. It wasn't actually running, more like walking with a hop, but I'm totally counting it. The boys just stood and watched me for a few minutes, because the sight of it caught them by surprise. The sight of their pregnant mama in running gear was a little shocking to their systems.
- Odie smells like rot. I'm not even kidding. He desperately needs a bath...and I desperately wish I was not the one who had to give it to him.
- Wishing will not make him smell better...I've tried.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Just Like Everyone Else...
- Started my first Beth Moore Bible Study in 2009. Now into my 2nd one. God has used her tremendously to help me get into His Word and understand it better. I've been so blessed by the annointing He's placed upon her.
- Friendships grew and deepened. I may not get to see some of you often, or ever, but your presence in my life encourages me. For those I do get to see often, thank you for putting up with me.
- I trained for a 1/2 marathon. Something I never thought I could do. Turns out, I was RIGHT! But with His strength, and kick in the butt every now and then I ran distances I never thought possible. I learned spiritual lessons through physical ones. I'm hoping 2010 has more of that in store...because otherwise my clothes may never fit again.
- Saw my oldest son, Noah, desire to be baptized. Saw my husband get to do the honor. Realized that, more than anything, I want my boys to grow up to be men of faith...just like their daddy.
- Decided to host an exchange student. Preparing for Julie, and having her here has been a once in a lifetime experience for us.
- Watched friends and family suffer tremendous loss of loved ones. A good friend's son diagnosed with cancer. Watching them press on, one day at a time...fighting the good fight.
- Unexpected blessing of finding out our family was going to grow by one more. Barfing and sickness for 18 weeks. Choroid Plexus Cyst...and the disappearance of of a healthy baby.
- Torturing others with the "secret" of the baby's gender. A growing belly, pants that won't stay up, and the amazing feeling of that sweet little baby kicking around in there.
- Unexpected expenses, car repairs and stuff. Wondering how it would all work out...and seeing God work it all out. Blessed.
- Learning and adjusting to parenting as the boys get older. Trying to deal with heart issues, school issues, brother issues. Loving them more than they'll ever know.
- Watching a ridiculous amount of football.
- So much other stuff.
Friday, November 13, 2009
It's Personal...
For some, the flow of the world can be easier to resist than the flow of Christian mediocrity.
We abide in our subgroups by unspoken codes dictating how far we'll go in our devotion to God. Anyone who goes overboard or takes it too seriously is considered eccentric, not extraordinary.The truth is, worldly individuals already think I've lost my mind. I came to understand that very, very early in my Christian experience. I get that...I understand that. I can handle that. After all, why wouldn't they think I was a little strange?
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I'm Punishing...
Monday, March 23, 2009
No Sacred Cow
- I'm learning to appreciate all of the friendships God has blessed me with.
- Some of those are going to require more time than others.
- No need to feel guilty.
- Those old friendships, that require the least maintenance are often the best.
- Let go of the guilt.
- I can't "be there" for every friend. Even if I want to, I'm not meant too. Not meant to.
- Letting go of the guilt that was never supposed to be there in the first place...
- See a theme?
Monday, March 9, 2009
What's Got Me So Cranky...
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
we have 2 girls...and are debating on having a third...of course we'd love a boy, but the debate isn't so much about it is if i could actually handle 3 (of any gender!)...
which leads me to another question...which transition was hardest for you kid wise (and why)...going from 0 to 1, 1 to 2 or 2to 3...can you tell we are over thinking a third!?!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
I would rather
- give birth
- barf
- go to the gynecologist
than to the dentist. Do you understand what I'm saying?
Our dentist is a wonderfully kind and gentle man, and his hygienists couldn't be sweeter...but it still not enough for me to think kindly of them. It's nothing personal. I know they're just doing their fact, they actually have our best interests at heart. Just trying to help me and my children from becoming victims of rotten teeth and gum disease.
I am not fond of the smell, the drill, the drool...all of it. But WORSE than all of that is the way I feel when I leave.
Do I floss? nope, unless 1 week before my appointment counts ;)
Do I make sure my kids have brushed ever tooth thoroughly morning and night? No
Do I drink too much coffee? *insert eye roll*
Did I bribe my kids with more sugar if they were good at the dentist? yep
Since I was a little girl, every time I leave the dentist I feel like a big, fat, FAILURE. Simply from not doing what I already know I should be doing. The dentist doesn't harass me or scold me...but I leave feeling like an idiot none the less.
It would make sense, logically, that to avoid this feeling of failure I would floss everyday, stay away from the "sugar bugs" and actually keep my 6 month cleaning appointment instead of canceling it. Easy peasy.
But I never do that. Instead, I do all the things I'm not supposed to, resent the dentist and avoid it at all costs until it's absolutely necessary I go. All the while blaming the dentist for their evil tools of torture and nauseating smell. After all, who is he to tell me what to do?!? I don't smoke or do other things that would be bad for my teeth so SURELY he could give me a little break, right?!?
I think the way I feel about going to the dentist is the way many feel about going to church.And that's what I'm pondering for today...
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009

There are times when I hear something and it just HITS me. Sticks with me. Changes me.
- Peace and ease are not the same.
- Many times we don't have a knowledge problem, we have an obedience problem.
- Part of being spiritually mature is ceasing to equate hard with bad. Just because something is easy doesn't mean it is good.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Poor Poor Pitiful Me...
- I should be able to go to bed at a reasonable hour, and be able to pop up in the morning, cheery and ready to start my day.
- Ditto for the kids.
- When I get out of bed, I should step into a house that is clean...because after all, I spent TWO weeks getting it should STAY THAT WAY without me having to attend to it all the time.
- My kids should get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush their teeth and THEN watch cartoons until school starts...because that's the routine, they know it, they just should do it.
- I will of course have gotten up by 6 AM (cheery) and spent the time alone with God that I so desperately need. I'd also have time to make a menu/grocery list so that I could hit the store after dropping the kids off to school.
- I would then hit the treadmill, shower and actually have myself ready by...say...11.
- Then, I could work on ministry stuff...all the while my house would stay clean because no one would be undoing whatever it was that I had done.
- Supper would be planned and prepared, because I of course, had a menu and all the ingredients needed to make it.
- Then, and this is the kicker, we would all sit down and NOT ONE CHILD would complain and refuse to eat.