Guess what?!?
I never showed you Christmas pictures...I was saving them...for January 17th...just for kicks.
You could believe that...or you could believe that I have nothing else to blog about.
You pick.
Here goes...
Christmas Eve with my's my little bro, me, my sister and dad

Jake on Christmas morning, totally rockin' the Rudolph jammies my mom got him at a garage sale...
Ben, settling for a Rudolph nose, but wishing he had Jake's jammies.

Joy and...
a bazillion Legos.
Next, is quite possibly the best gift ever. It's a reindeer...that poops jelly beans. Genius.

My parents gave me a Starbucks ornament. Perfection. Also, I do have to say, the pictures I took this year at Christmas' were less than year will be better.
And we also ate...a lot...with reindeer antlers on.

And last but not least, is Christmas with Ben's side of the fam. He has 3 sisters and 3 brothers, and most have married and reproduced, obviously. My kids have aunts and uncles and cousins coming out their ears...and I love it that way! It's crazy fun.

And Happy New Year!...17 days into it.