Thursday, April 1, 2010

We Just Connected...

Sunday we celebrated an early Easter with Ben's side of the family, out on the farm. Each Spring we always have so much fun admiring the new little calves.

This year though...I connected with someone else...

Our profiles let ya know we have a little something in common.

The only difference is that the cow seems to be able to manage keeping her eyes open for the picture. Geeesh. Maybe my face is just so puffy that my eyes actually look like that when I smile. At this point...I'd rather not know. *smile*

19 days to go. Can I get an Amen?


  1. As another mommy to 4 I know I was MORE than ready by 19 days and counting. I think I started feeling like B was going to fall out by about 5 months. =)
    SO AMEN SISTER!!!!! AND congrats! Put your feet up and get some rest when you can!
    Have a very blessed Easter!
    in HIM-

  2. You are so funny! You look adorable - the cow, not so much! lol

    I can't wait for you to post pictures of your new little addition!

  3. Hilarious!! You look better than the cow, for sure! Can't believe it's only 19 days - or less?!

  4. Seeing you and your wonderful belly brings back so many memories! My youngest is now 5 1/2. I never thought I'd hear these words come out of my mouth BUT, a small pary of me misses the whole experience. I'm anxious to hear the good news of your little one's arrival! Enjoy your last few weeks!!


  5. You are hilarious lady!! You look so beautiful! Yay for 19 days. Since my first pregnancy ended at 25 weeks I always felt OVERDUE in subsequent pregnancy by around 35 weeks... :)
    Looking forward to hearing your news and seeing pictures!!!!!

  6. LOL!!

    When my best friend was pregnant (and, truthfully, now, too, she relates to this), she called herself Bessie the Cow.

  7. When we went to the county fair a few years ago there was a baby calf nursing on its mom and let me tell you, that calf was NOT GENTLE. It was tugging so hard... at the time I was nursing my youngest. I think I cringed every time she did it and have never, ever, felt such a bond or such compassion for a cow as I did that day!

  8. AMEN! :)

    I have to hadn't posted in awhile and I was wondering if maybe that meant you went early :) Hope the rest of your 19 day goes fast!!

  9. even though you FEEL like her you really don't look it, and I know that I am wasting my breath tellin you that but I just had to. *smile*

    I need to stop by and feel your belly move before that child is born! ha ha!

    Saw your hubs today! As usual, big smile as I asked if he was ready!

  10. AMEN! (Picture that in big, bold, bright pink font. Because I mean it bigger than I can do in a comment.)

    So what's going on that you know you only have 19 days remaining? Are you being induced or have you scheduled a c-section?

  11. Oh my! You're too funny! You truly look stunning to be SO pregnant! 19 The countdown begins!

  12. You are so cute! Waaaaaay cuter than that poor cow.....I mean waaaaaaaay cuter!

  13. My first thought when I saw the picture of you: "I wish that was me." Wish I could have just one more.

    I'm so happy for you!!

  14. You look adorable closed eyes and all! Cannot wait to hold your new little bundle. :)

  15. you are so cute!!!!!!!! and i still think those little boys are going to be cuddling a sister....... ;)

  16. You are so NOT comparing yourself to a cow are you???? You look fab and although you may feel like that little *mooer* you DO NOT look like that at all..Can't wait to see that baby!!!

  17. Amen and HURRY... some of us are not very good at waiting for surprises. BTW-I'm putting my $ that it is a girl.

  18. You look fabulous! so excited for you! pregnancy is my all-time favorite life experience!

  19. I love you in green. Of course you look so stylish as always. So close Sarah! So close!

  20. You're almost there! You look amazing too. Keep up the good work.



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