It's mocha mint today, I bought it at a cute little tea room on Saturday night where many of us from our little church had a Valentine's dinner. It's delish.
Pardon the green bathrobe and crazy hair. I've been wearing it curly again because it's just so much easier that way, but curly hair is not very forgiving after being laid's unfortunate really.
I overslept this morning. It's Jack Bauer's fault. Ben and I stayed up till midnight watching the first season of 24. I'm not ashamed to admit that we watched 4 or 5 episodes in a row last night. We're completely hooked. Junkies, I tell you.
I have all three of my boys home today. Jake was sick last week and he passed it along to his big barfing involved, so I can't really complain.
Have I mentioned Julie? :) I don't think I've had one conversation with anyone this past week that I have not managed to weave her in...and whip out some more pictures for them to see. We've only been communicating for a week now, and already I feel like she's a part of our family. It is really quite amazing. I can't wait for her to come to tiny-town...but I've got some stuff to do first.
Which leads me to painting. I've got some big painting plans.
Alright, your turn...