Monday, April 14, 2008

Good Enough

I re-learned some things about myself this weekend.
  1. I get all these great project ideas in my head...and then I plunge ahead, and midway though, think to myself...."WHY!?!? Why couldn't you just leave it alone!?!?" Every. Single. Time.

  2. I am NOT a perfectionist. Not even close. I sometimes like to pretend I am...but I'm not. I'm the... "Yeah, that's good enough" kinda person.

  3. My husband always steps in to help with the project...without ever saying..."Why on earth, woman!?!" (that's what I would say, if I were him :)

Apparently I was inspired by the ceiling fan this weekend. Inspired enough to begin the dreaded task of taking down the wallpaper in the hallway and then painting. In my sounded easy. In real life...not so much.

Old home + Old walls + Old wallpaper + Me = Big Fat Mess!

Here's the Journey...

Old wallpaper, which I'm sure in its day, was fantastic.

The beginning of scraping...seemed like fun...
The more we scraped...the more trouble we found...

This was all over the's fun to track all over, I guess.

Here is Jake in front of the partially finished wall. A lovely shade of "gingerbread"

I really do love the quirkiness of old homes. And I really do love the odd texture that the uneven walls created when I painted over it. It's perfectly imperfect....and good enough!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Ceiling Fan Update...

Back in February, when I first started blogging, this was one of my first posts. If you weren't an avid reader back then, and let's face probably weren't, then you should definitely go read the post, otherwise the picture below will not seem nearly as wonderful and amazing!!

OK, for those of you who are caught up on the situation, you will be happy to know that the old has been replaced with a "free & still in great condition thanks to Ben's brother and his wife used ceiling fan." It's fabulous.

Look at those blades...all five of them. Our boys have been threatened with their lives if they EVER even ponder the idea of hanging from the ceiling fan again...I know...we are terribly cruel parents.
*BIG thanks to our friend Todd for coming over (at 9AM on a Saturday) and installing it. I promise we will not try to think of other things that you could fix...except, there is that...*

Saturday, April 12, 2008


OK, so here's some more on yesterday's topic. I opened up my Bible today to Galatians. This is significant because I have no organized order for my daily reading. I like to open it up and trust God to take me where I need to go...because I haven't a clue. He knew Galatians was the right place.
For those of you, who are like me, and can't remember off the top of your head what Galatians is about...I'll give you my super quick overview: Paul wrote to churches in Southern Galatia (and for Christians everywhere) a call to faith and freedom in Jesus i.e. no more legalism. GOOD STUFF!

Here's what grabbed me.. Galatians 5:22-23,
"But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives he will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control..."
Key here: Spirit controls our lives...

I need all of that fruit. You may remember from this that I do not particularly enjoy eating fruit. BUT, that Holy Spirit's kinda like this to me....

Happy Saturday!

Friday, April 11, 2008

All About the Heart

We have rules in our house. Rules like...
  • no band-aid unless there is blood.
  • no hitting,kicking,punching etc, each other.
  • at home, you must pee sitting down. For mom's sanity, you must.
  • you don't have to make your bed, but you do need to clear a path in the Legos so that she can put away your clothes.
  • There are others, but you get the idea

Do you know what happens? My children find ways around these rules. For example, Jakob came up to me this morning with an old "owie" (it had a scab already) He claimed he needed a band-aid and I gave him "the rule." Two minutes later, he returned, to show me the blood he now had...due to peeling the scab off. Even a 2 year old knows there's ways around the rules. He got the band-aid.

I've been thinking (again.) This time, it's about legalism. Probably because it's the last chapter I've read in Breaking Free :) There is such a fine line between godly rules and legalism, and it all has to do with the heart. Anyways, I've been pondering why legalism, or rules to follow is so much easier than genuinely opening ourselves up to loving Jesus and those around us and examining our own hearts.

Here's what I think it all breaks down to...legalism allows us to not look at our motives, which means we never really have to deal with ourselves. It only requires a list of do's and dont's. Obeying a list of rules we've made never requires us to even connect with God, instead, we look at the list and check it off. Yuck.

I am completely and utterly annoyed by legalistic people. I meet them, and I want to run for the hills. It's the very thing I never want to be. Yet, there have been times in my own life when legalism has ruled. At the time, I didn't realize it. But, looking back, I can see it now. It also coincides with the times in my life that pride had free reign. Beth Moore uses a phrase that "Microscopes replace mirrors." How true that is. May the Holy Spirit never allow me to look away from the mirror.

With my boys...I want them to grow up seeing first hand how wonderful a relationship with Jesus is. They will have rules, obviously. But I don't want them to just learn how to obey the rules without understanding and accepting where they come from AND learning how to examine their own hearts. We can find ways around rules, but when confronted with the state of our own hearts...there's just no way around that. Legalism creates resentment in peoples hearts...because deep down inside, we know we can't be good enough.

Today I am praying that in my own heart, and in the hearts of my boys, legalism would not be allowed. That we wouldn't minimize who Jesus is...into a bunch of rules. Rather, that the Holy Spirit will help us to show our faith for what it really is. May we not get in the way of Jesus. May we fully appreciate the love, mercy, and forgiveness He has shown us and then go out and show that to others.

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Don't Say I Didn't Warn You...

So I went to the doctor this morning, to see if I had strep throat or not. Turns out I don't...but my tonsils looked disgusting enough for the doc to give me antibiotics anyway. If only you could have seen my happy dance. I'm all for the antibiotics...I'm feeling better already! This has bummed my kids out...they are now being supervised again...the mischief continues though.

I also got some groceries today, (man, aren't you glad you stopped by to read all this exciting information, HA!) After their feeding frenzy yesterday, there was nothing left.
I happened to pick up a bag of these...

and I thought to myself...Sarah, warn them. So, here is my warning to you ladies. If you see these lovely chips on the supermarket shelf, DO NOT BUY them, resist the urge. Walk yourself back to the produce aisle and get some carrots or grapes or something. Do you know why you should not buy these!?! Because you will eat 3/4 of the bag without even realizing it!!!! TRUST ME! Been there, done that (today.) I am apparently not feeling well enough to run...but have no problem devouring a bag of potato chips. Great. Just Great. *smiles*

The Consequences...

Remember this? Well, today this is life in the parsonage. Do you think the other pastor's wives that lived in this parsonage had days like this? I have not been feeling so hot the past few days. I think I may have gotten Jake's "sore throat, headache, chills, achy all over, leave me alone so I can get better" sickness. I just needed to rest...who I am kidding...with my children,

You Rest: You Pay the Consequences.

Yes...that is our obese Wiener Dog eating a cheese quesadilla that was prepared by a 2 year old. Good times.

This is Jake playing in his mess of


The boy can get into all kinds of naughty...just give him a chair.

WHY?!? Why the need to eat everything!

My sweet little Jakob, how do you do it? How do you instinctively know you can get away with all kinds of stuff when I am sick OR on the phone or *cough* computer?!? And how do you know to immediately say "I sorry! I sorry!" and then flash me those little dimples that seem to make even the naughtiest of things seem...cute? You are a brilliant little creature, you really are...but mommy is tired...time for Dora :)

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Run-On and On and On...

I've stumbled across some new blogs lately, and a few mentioned their dislike for bad grammar. *gasp* I immediately hoped they never stumble across my blog! Now I have a new complex. My grammar is very bad...I am fully aware of it. I am particularly prone to using run-on sentences. Actually, more like excessively prone to using them. The title of my blog should probably have been My Life as a Run-On Sentence.

I decided to look up the definition of a run-on sentence: a sentence containing two or more clauses not connected by the correct conjunction or punctuation. OR blah blah blah, blah blah blah :)

Here is my justification for bad sentences: I want my "voice" to be heard in my writing, I want it to sound like me. For those of you who know me, in real life, you know that when I talk, it's ONE BIG run-on sentence. order for me to keep it real, I am forced to continually commit to using run-on's. It is for your benefit...really.

For those who can fully appreciate and appropriately use the English language, God bless you...for the rest of you, who can no longer remember (or care) about clauses and conjunctions, write on sister...write on :)
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