Friday, October 5, 2012

Got It

And now an actual picture.  Of my favorite new shoes. Minnetonkas.

Apparently all I needed to do in order to overcome by technological block was to blog about it.  Now, we'll see if I can remember how I did it. ;)

Ta Da

Well, maybe I'm figuring it out after all. 

When the Phone is Smarter Than Me...

I recently got a smart phone.  A hand-me-down used one that was just the right price of free.  It's taken me awhile to get used to it...and sometimes it just mocks me and my inability to figure out technological things.  But all in all, it has Instagram so therefore I love it.

That being said, I really can't even figure out Instagram very well.  And with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram who has time for a blog?  I need to consolidate, and is that even possible?  And is that possible for me?

Like, how in the world do I get my Instagram pictures in my blog posts?  I googled it, but then it said something about html and then my mind just shuts down automatically.  

First world problems, people. Life is so hard sometimes *sarcasm*

Speaking of sarcasm, my first born 11 year old son did not inherit my sarcasm gene.  Poor kid has to ask, sincerely, "really?" after most things I say, because he genuinely doesn't know if I'm serious or not.  And then there's my 2nd born, 10 year old son..who dishes it right back to me.  And sometimes I have to correct him...while inside I smile a smirky smile of pride.  For the record, I love them both.

Back to Instagram.  If you by chance are a super genius and can tell me how I can get my Instagram pics into my blog I would forever be indebted to you.  Kidding.  Or am I?

Monday, October 1, 2012


I simply like the month of October.  The weather here is lovely, there's no major busy-ness, and we've settled into the routine of school again.

Good stuff.

I've also decided, for no particular reason, that I'm setting some goals for October.  Two goals.

1 - Run my butt off.  Literally.  My goal is to put in 50 miles by November 1st. I've been sorta half-invested in running for awhile now.  Time to get serious-er.  Plus, if I make my goal, I'm rewarding myself with this.

2 - Blog my brains out.  Instead of composing posts in my head that never see the light of day, I'm going to write them.  And hit publish.  

That should do it! :)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

An Apology/Excuse

Dear Little Blog,

Where do I start?  I miss you.  I do.  I know my actions say otherwise, but I promise I think of you often...mostly while in my van (where I've been spending a lot of time driving to football practices: 3 boys, 3 different practices.)  So much of life is happening, and so much God is teaching me and it needs to be shared.  It needs to be recorded.  And yet...

I'm distracted.  Constantly bombarded with distractions.  Incessantly and constantly bombarded with distractions.  Get it?

The distractions will not stop.  I know that.  But I'm having a tough time figuring out how to blog in these new set of distractions.  

But I'll get it figured out.  

And then we can be friends again...rather than awkward acquaintances that used to be friends.



Thursday, August 16, 2012

Lucy is Colorblind

All three boys spent last week in Wisconsin at their Aunt & Uncle's house.  It was super quiet at our house, and Lucy didn't ask where they were until Thursday.  Weird.

The boys had a blast.  And got to visit Lambau Field,  home of the Green Bay Packers.  My oldest, Noah, is a huge fan.  They even got to watch practice...which I am secretly completely jealous of.  Anyways....

They got all kinds of memorabilia.  One, was a Greg Jennings (at least I think it's him) fan.

Yesterday, Lucy and I went to get groceries, and when we got out of the van, she saw the above fan laying on the floor.  She pointed and yelled "DADDY!"

It was awesome.  Even better, was when Ben got home last night and I could re-live the moment.  Hysterical.

Also, and this is just a side note, but Eli (my middlest) promised me he was going to marry a Jamaican because he watched the Olympics and they are fast runners.  I am all for this.  Middlest better keep his word.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

A Month Ago...

The 4th of July felt like the hottest day in the history of the world.

But, we're small town people, and small town people don't let anything stop them from celebrating the red, white and blue...with sugar.

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