Friday, June 13, 2008
Catching Up...
Friday, May 23, 2008
Not My Friend...
There is still one thing teeny-tiny SUPER annoying thing that I CANNOT figure out. Feedburner. Just typing it makes me want to shove the computer monitor off the desk...ok, not really. If you happen to have no idea what feedburner is, count your blessings. For some reason, it says I only have 29 subscribers. It also says, everyday, that I have had no visitors, and no page views to my blog. Apparently, Sitemeter, and my little counter thingy and all of those comments ya'll leave are figments of my imagination. Feedburner is giving me a complex...someone fix it...pretty please.
On a completely different subject, I bought this CD yesterday. I CANNOT stop listening to this song. So, I've mentioned before I have OCD issues with music...this is no surprise...but I love this song. I'm sure the rest of the CD is great...I wouldn't know yet, I can't get past #4.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Oh Yeah...Again.
My lovely new friend, mama belle, gave it to me. We met in blog-land and are now "BFF's separated at birth" (there, I made up another one) I love keeping up on her life...go check her out and see for yourself.
Gotta pass the blog-love on. To one "real life"friend, Heth @ From Under the Laundry Pile. Her blog is my favorite. Before I started blogging, I sat down one night and read her entire archives...back to's THAT good. Check it out (if you haven't already) at your own risk...I'm just'll suck you right in and then hours of your life will be gone....GONE.
And to the newest blog that I ADORE! Amy Beth @ Ministry So Fabulous...this girl is amazing...and so, SO FUNNY! Literally, I laugh out loud every time...sometimes I *snort* because it's so funny! Plus, she's doing a fabulous ministry to girls...go'll enjoy yourself, I promise!
On another note...(see the randomness) I had someone (again) ask me what in the world I "blog" about. Do people ask you this? Every time someone asks that I have to force myself from laughing out loud. It's hard to give an answer to that...I'd rather they read and find out themselves *cough*. Truthfully, it's a hodge-podge of stuff. Because that is what my life is! That's who I am! I'm never ONE way, all the time. Sometimes God is teaching and showing me deep stuff...other days, it's just about enjoying life...and trying (desperately) to put into practice what I've learned.
I wish I could write inspiring stuff ALL the time...but seriously...I want this to be "real" and the real Life in the Parsonage is a whole huge mish-mash of stuff. You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both and there you have... go on...keep singing the know you want to ;)
There...that's what I blog about...awards and blogging....oh my.
Friday, May 2, 2008
I Can't Remember...
I've also learned, (from my whole 95 posts) that giving your posts a non-obvious title, (because you are trying to convince yourself that you can be witty...if you just try hard enough) is really, a very, VERY dumb idea. Know why?!? Because when you go dumpster-diving back through your archives, in hopes of linking to whatever you've already written about, you'll have NO IDEA what you titled the post because you are not witty...but a moron. That is what I've learned about myself.
Which leads me to another thought....If I could go back, in real life, and do ONE thing differently, what would it be? Hmmm....this took about 1/2 a second for me to come up with an answer to blurt out. Yep...1/2 second. If I had to pick JUST would be that I would never, and I mean NEVER have used a credit card...for anything. That's it, that's the one thing.
OK, your turn....what's your ONE choice or action that you'd do differently if you could?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Run-On and On and On...
I decided to look up the definition of a run-on sentence: a sentence containing two or more clauses not connected by the correct conjunction or punctuation. OR blah blah blah, blah blah blah :)
Here is my justification for bad sentences: I want my "voice" to be heard in my writing, I want it to sound like me. For those of you who know me, in real life, you know that when I talk, it's ONE BIG run-on sentence. order for me to keep it real, I am forced to continually commit to using run-on's. It is for your benefit...really.
For those who can fully appreciate and appropriately use the English language, God bless you...for the rest of you, who can no longer remember (or care) about clauses and conjunctions, write on sister...write on :)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
- On to the point....I've been in the blogging world for about a month now, and there are still several things that mystify me! (Those of you who read, but don't blog, trust me when I tell are not going to care about anything else in this post :) I like a good mystery. And most of the time, I really like not understanding some stuff....just being in awe of the magic of it. Like telephones! and TV! and Electricity! No matter how many times its explained to me...I just go back to the good ol standby...magic. There are some blogging mysteries, however, that are driving me nuts! Here goes...
- Site Meter: the timing and days is all off...A.M. is P.M. and by midday it's a day confusing. I have no idea how to change it.
- Site Meter: Sometimes, it shows a persons visit length as 0.00. How does that happen? Do they click on my site, and then are so repulsed immediately that they have to leave before even staying a millisecond?!?
- I have a scanner, but I have no idea how to upload photos to my blog unless they are digital...I am in constant awe of those of you who post anything predating digital cameras!
- Which web pictures are really free?!? How do I know they're not copyrighted? I don't' want to steal! I'm a pastor's wife, the last thing I need it to be stealing pics for my blog :) HA!
- I also have no idea how people change the size and formats of their blog. I mean the fancy kind! Here's me...with my generic blog layout...all because I have no idea how to change it (other than what blogger offers:)
- How so few people leave comments...compared with the number of readers. I mean, I get it, but still a little mystified.
So, my more experienced blogger friends, help me if you can :) I also should warn you that I need very detailed instructions, or I'll never get it :)
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Bloggity Blog
I'll admit it, before blogging myself, I didn't really get it. Why put yourself out there for everyone to see? Now I get it. To truly experience the blessings of community, you have to be willing to put yourself out there! In 13 days I have "met" extraordinary ladies, whose faith, honesty, and sense of humor have so encouraged me! Lindsay, (a new blogger friend,) in her post a bit of a change, made a statement that perfectly put into words what I was thinking, but couldn't put into words! She said, about the blog world, "It's a technological tool that makes journal writing interactive & "alive." That's exactly what it is for me! I get to write about my life and add pictures, and interact with all of you! Thanks for the fun!