Tuesday, August 11, 2009

True Story

*Picture Julie, Ben, and myself sitting at Bubba Gumps trying to find something on the menu (for Julie) that is not spicy*

Turns out, Norwegians do not eat much spicy food. Even our "mild" tastes spicy to Julie. Note to self: Americans are spicy.

Ben: Points (discretely) to the man sitting in the booth behind Julie and tells her that maybe she would like something like the shrimp meal that the man is eating.

Julie: Turns around to see, and is a little uncertain because it looks so different than Norwegian shrimp. Asks me if she could ask if they think it's good.

Me: Assumes she means ask the waitress and gives a hearty head nod that of course she can ask.

Julie: Turns around and taps the man's shoulder in the booth behind her.

Me: Realizes Julie meant "ask the man" not "the waitress" Oops.

The man in the booth sitting with his 3 kids and wife: Answers yes, then asks her if she wants TO TRY ONE!

Ben & me: Sit with mouths open because there is no stopping the scenario now...

Waitress: Comes by and mouth drops open because she's never seen someone share their food with a total stranger. I mean really...Ben and I barely share our shrimp with one another, it's a high commodity around these parts.

Julie: Tries it, but then finds out it's the Cajun shrimp. Yeah...spicy.

Moral of the story: Americans are nice and might even share their food....and we are spicy.

The End.

Monday, August 10, 2009

I'm Busy...Read My Blog

I found this t-shirt at the Mall of America this weekend.
I thought it was perfect, until I remembered that reading my blog would not actually fill anyone in on life here because that would require me actually blogging. So I just did the next best thing...made Ben take a picture of it and then put the t-shirt back on the shelf. It works. Kinda.

There's an overwhelming amount to tell you... Here's a few highlights:

  • There's a store at the MOA called American Apparel. It has nothing to do with America. It should be called If You Live in the movie Flashdance Shop Here. We like to call this outfit: What Not to Wear on Your First Day of School in America:

I did resist these socks...but it was hard. They would have gone so well with my sweatband I wear while running. Maybe I'll put them on my Christmas list.

I'll jump back on the blogging wagon soon...when all 4 kiddos head back to school.

No worries, I'm keeping track of the good stories ;)

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Breaking the Pattern...

There's a pattern here....

The more I run...the more I want to run.
The less I run...the less I want to run.

The more caffeine I consume...the more I want.
The less I consume...well, let's face it the raging headache wants it, but eventually I don't crave it.

The more sugar I consume....the more I need it.
The less sugar...the less the cravings.

The more pop I buy...the more I find myself heading to the fridge for another.
The less pop I buy....the less I drink.

The more I shop...the more I feel dissatisfied with what is in my closet.
The more I stay away from the mall....the cuter my closet seems.

The more I'm in God's Word...the more I feel I need it, the more I want it.
The less I'm in God's Word....the less I think I need it...and the Sarah who I don't particularly care for, emerges.

The more I love others...the more my selfishness diminishes.
The less I love others....the more the me-monster emerges.

Catching a pattern here? Other than the pattern that I have an addictive personality? *smile*

I've been reading through the book of 1 John in the Bible (thanks to my hubby.) It's a short 5 chapter book. Don't let its size fool you...it packs a punch. I have some internal bruises to prove it. The above list surfaced in my heart after reading it...I can't explain the connection exactly, but I know that God's not gonna let me run from it until I really, really get it.

I may be in 1 John awhile...

And...for your viewing pleasure (and because I have the uncanny ability to think of a DC Talk song for just about every subject) I give you one of my all time favorites which happens to also be a big theme of 1 John.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Julie's Here!

She's here!

I took a video of her getting off of the plane, but as soon as she got closer I stopped so I could hug her. The video is...well...you'll see...

We made her cry. I think it was a good cry...at least that's what we tell ourselves ;)

She had a 36 hour stretch of no sleep from Friday to Saturday so we tried not to overwhelm her too much. I'm not sure we succeeded, but I just keep telling myself she's young and she'll bounce back...without even needing excessive amounts of caffeine. Oh to be 17 again...

Blogging about a teenager is a weird thing. I have a new empathy for all you bloggers with kids who can actually read your blog...or better yet, your kids friends who can read your blog. It's tricky...figuring out what you can share without embarrassing them. Chances are I'll be embarrassing her enough in real life without broadcasting it all over the Internet.

Here's what I've learned from being a mom of a teenager for less than 48 hours:
  • Going shopping with them will make you feel old. Really old. And you may go into the store and grab the same jeans, even the same size, but they will look approximately one-zillion times better on her than you. You will then go back into the fitting room and reassure yourself that you've earned those stretched out hips, thighs, and stomach the hard way, their names happen to be, in my case, Noah, Eli, and Jake.
  • Dropping her off at volleyball camp today with a bunch of girls she didn't know felt the same way as dropping my boys off at school on the first day. A mixture of excitement and nervousness followed with pleading prayers that God makes everyone be nice to her...and that she finds those friends that are gonna make this next school year unforgettably great.
  • You will have to resist the urge to "hover" (I learned that from the Twilight movie ;)
  • It will be endlessly entertaining to ask her how to say things in Norwegian. And every Norwegian name that I've read through facebook for the past 6 months, I have been pronouncing wrong...very wrong...and no matter how many times I try, I can't get it right. Apparently this Iowa girl who never thought she has an accent actually has one...it's called American. It's very thick.
We like her. We like her a lot. God ordained her for us, and us for her for the next 10 months...how fun is that?!?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What I Haven't Said...

Sometimes, after I take a look back through what I've written over a week or so time period I cringe. Not because of anything I've said (no matter how redundant:) but about what I haven't said.

And a lot of what I haven't said, is the stuff that is most important to me...and it has to deal with my relationship to Christ.

Words fail me often. And I find that if I can't come up with the right words to adequately explain it...I don't. And sometimes, what he's teaching me...well, it's tough. Sometimes I'm meant to just sit on it, by myself for awhile. And other times...it's meant to share.

I've mentioned before that (thanks to my friend Heth) I am hooked on podcasts by Matt Chandler at The Village Church. If you need any information about how to listen to podcasts (because you don't have to have an ipod to do this) then click on this handy dandy little linky that explains it all very clearly....did I mention THEY'RE FREE?!? Free is such a nice word...

There is one podcast in particular that I just can't seem to move on from. I have listened to it three times. I wish I could narrow down just why I can't seem to get enough of it...but there's several reasons probably. I'm not gonna try to sum it up, because it's impacted me so much that I don't want to butcher it. But, if you'd like to listen, it's the July 5th sermon called Good Servants, Wicked Servants, and the Enemies of God. Good stuff people, you won't regret the time spent...promise.

If you happen to listen, or have heard it, I'd love love love to discuss :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sneak Peek

I have three days left until our family goes from 5 to 6. I'm busy doing important stuff...like making room in the bathroom cabinets for her stuff...told you it was important.

I don't have much time, BUT I knew you'd need a sneak peek of her room all ready for her.

So it's probably not the most comfy desk chair...but it's so shabby chic and adorable I put it there. :) (Don't worry there's a ugly more comfy one she can replace it with ;)

The hangers are ready...

And so am I :)

Now let's just hope she doesn't hate it...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Truth With Dirt On His Face

I find myself wandering around this morning trying to figure out where to start on the "to-do" list that I seem to keep making longer rather than shorter.

What's up with that?

It seems that whenever I get started one of my boys needs something, broke something, needs something cleaned up, or put together...on and on and on. Many times, at the end of the day, I wonder what the heck I even accomplished. This is mostly because I really only accomplish 5 different things....but I did each of those 5 things FIVE ZILLION TIMES.

The refereeing alone...

Sometimes it feels like I'm treading water. Going nowhere, but at least keeping my head afloat. When I stop and really look at my boys, and how much they're growing...physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually I realize that life may often feel like I'm treading water, but I'm not. It's always moving forward. I can't slow it or stop it. But I can enjoy it.

This morning after my run (yay for Mondays I LOVE 2 mile short runs) I logged onto facebook and found a link from Michelle, a bloggy-turned-facebook-friend who happens to have the opposite of me. Three girls. I think we should consider arranged marriages. Go visit her and peek at my future daughters-in-law...she has the cutest girls ;)

Want to know what my life is like? Click here. It made me happy cry this morning...because this is my life...times three :)

It's a good (& messy) life!

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