Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I Said I Would...

Here goes. I may have mentioned something in this post about sharing preggo pics. I am a woman of my word...even when my word, this time, is probably a really bad idea.

It all started when my beautiful friend, Shell, who's having her first baby, said she felt huge. HA!...Oh Shell....this ones for you, hope it makes you feel better :)
This is me 3 weeks before Noah was born (2001)...THIS is huge.

Notice the black from head to toe...who was I kidding?!? Not even black could slim that baby body down!

And here is why it was totally worth it...Absolutely Priceless!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Before and After

Today I had somewhere to go where I actually got to put on heels, trouser pants, and my trench coat...as opposed to the usual jeans and ballet flats. As I was heading out of our tiny town, I stopped by our gas station (like I do every day) to buy some treats :) As I was paying for my coffee, bag of Starburst and Skittles, the cashier said to me, "You look like Tom Cruise's wife...what's her name again?" At that moment, I wanted to jump over the counter and give her a great big bear hug! How sweet! How kind! How lovely of her! How vain of me, I know :) But she did make my day with her kind words! We decided it was the haircut...(which I had seriously copied, by the way.)

This is Tom's wife, Katie Holmes...totally copying me :)
So, when I got home this afternoon I had to dig out my before & after pics from this summer when I cut my hair to copy Katie...because, honestly, who doesn't like some before & after shots!?!
Here goes.... Before: (I shouldn't have smiled...I should have looked miserably pathetic like they do in real before & after shots...what was I thinking!?!)
and the back...
and after

So there's been some slight changes since this summer cut...you can check here if you're not already completely bored :) If you've got some before & after shots, you better let me know!!

Count Me In

I've mentioned before, that I just so happen to kinda like the band Leeland.
Just a little bit, HA! I had to share this video with you...I not only love this song, but the video just cracks me up! I'm so gonna get me some yellow shorts, tube socks, and red sweatshirt to wear while I'm running around my tiny town at 6 AM!

It makes me think of the verse Nehemiah 8:10 "...the joy of the Lord is your strength."

Count Me In!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Weird Without Church

After Jake's 3rd night of misery, I knew this morning I needed to make the trip to Urgent Care. He just looked miserable...oh, how it just rips my heart out! It seems my children prefer to get really sick during non-office hours...I am really thankful for Urgent Care! He's a trooper, and it ended up just being an ear infection, which was really the best of all the options it could be...because it's not contagious and medicine can fix it! *sigh of relief*
After Urgent Care, Jake & I had 40 minutes before the pharmacy opened, so we headed to Wal-Mart to get a few groceries. It was the strangest feeling, being in Wal-Mart, when I should have been in Sunday School! We ended up getting home about 20 minutes into the church service, so Jake and I snuck into our house so he could go back to sleep. We weren't actually sneaking...but when you live next to the church, and everyone is there but you...it feels like sneaking :)
Sundays are never the same for me, when I miss church. It's hard to explain...I think it's because I so need it...that time, set apart, to worship Him, with other believers. On days like today, I realize how often I take it for granted. I'm hoping that after a dose of antibiotics and some rest, we will be able to catch the evening service!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Things That Break...

I'm a "lamp" person. I can't explain it, but I have something against over-head lighting...I love the ambiance of lamps. I also have three boys...so almost every single lamp in our house has been taped back together with electrical tape (more than once.) The tape works great...the lamp shades...not so much. No matter how much I try to bend them back into shape, they're really never quite the same after the fall. In this pic, they were playing "spies." In their ever sneaky attempt to clobber quietly out of the office, they took my desk lamp with them. As you can see from their faces...they've done this before! It's okay...its all part of life with boys :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

New Day!

We had one of those nights last night. The kind where several kids wake up multiple times. One wet through his diaper and all over the bed, another time he needed a drink, one had a bad dream and on the way to tell us, ran into our closet door...you get the picture. But! Today is a new day! YAY!

It got off to a bit of a rough start...It had to do with Noah not liking the new jeans I got him (even though the are the SAME as his old ones!) He's been going to school for weeks in jeans with holes...not matter how many I buy, I can't keep up!

Last night, my bro Ryan, aka The Computer Whisperer, graciously fixed all my computer troubles! He also informed me he's never read a blog. *Gasp* I told him if he really loved me he'd read mine...what are sisters for?!? In 6 weeks he will graduate college and be a "Electrical Systems Engineer" or, as I think it should be called....Computer Guru. Love you, Ryan...even though you'll never read this :)

And, with these little rays of sunshine on my feet, I am ready for a NEW Day! Um...for those of you who remember this, let me explain. I blame it on Wal-Mart really, them and their every day low prices...$7 ...what could I do?!? Shame on them ;)

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another Installment...

Wow! It's Thursday already?!? So, it's another installment of the little bit I like to call,

Do you think the other pastors' wives that lived in this parsonage...
  • woke up some mornings and just wanted to crawl back into bed for a few more hours.
  • wondered if any 2 year old could possibly throw more crying fits than hers does by 8:30 am.
  • had "Fill My Cup, Lord" as their favorite hymn and life theme?
  • randomly prayed that their children got their husbands math & Science genes and not hers.
  • ate Catch-A-Man dip for every meal since lunch on Tuesday?
  • was disappointed to find that her house in fact does not clean itself...but does mess itself up...interesting.
  • had days where she was certain that her computer was just "messing" with her on purpose...testing her patience?
  • felt the same special anxiety when visiting the dentist and nursing homes?!? Both of which she gets to do next week :)
  • made daily "to-do" lists, and every day for 3 weeks kept moving "sort paperwork" to the next day?
  • had God keep taking her to 1&2 Peter, over and over everyday. Good stuff.
  • fell in love with women's ministries and fell to her knees in awe of all He's accomplishing!

Happy Thursday and Happy Birthday to my sweet little neighbor girl, Sydney!

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