Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Fine By Me

Eli had a school Christmas concert on Monday night.  My boys loathe vocal concerts.  I'm afraid they've inherited that from me.  Anyways.  We don't generally make the boys dress up for church except on holidays...and even then I use the term "dressed up" loosely.  Eli, by far my most easy-going child, muttered under his breath while I made him tuck in his shirt and clip on his tie.  

And then, he caught a glimpse of himself as he passed by the full length mirror in the hallway.  I watched him back up and do a double take.  He cracked a smile, acknowledging that even if the clothes weren't the most comfortable...they did make him look extra handsome.  

Funny how that works.

As we walked into the concert he informed me he wouldn't actually be singing but rather just moving his lips.  I think he was surprised to hear me say "Fine by me!"  Little does he know, I've mouthed my way through many a concerts myself.  

He did an excellent job of pretending to sing.  Nice work, buddy.  

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

We Go Out...

Ben and I had the lovely opportunity to attend a beautiful wedding not long ago.  We got dressed up and then left all the kids in the care of Grandma and Grandpa, which means we actually enjoyed the wedding.

Fun times.

After the wedding, when I looked at these pictures, I realized I had totally skipped my eyeliner and mascara.  Whoops.  I guess it meant that nothing smeared all over my face after I cried watching my two sweet little nephews walk down the aisle as the ring bearers.  Seriously, they were so sweet I bawled.  I'm not the only one that does that?  Right?

One of the songs in the wedding was Brandon Heath's, Love Never Fails.  So now it's at the top of my playlist because it's one of my new favorites.  Even though it's not new at all.

I love weddings.  And the bride and groom were beautiful and handsome but you'll have to take my word for it because I forgot my camera.  Loser.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

In Gear

I've sorta been working my butt off to make Christmas enjoyable this year.  Makes sense, right?

I'm a procrastinator at heart.  And action.  Whatever.  But so far I have several key Christmas presents currently purchased or on their way from my beloved Amazon AND my Christmas cards are being sent via Snapfish as. we. speak.

See, I told ya.  I am a Christmas Overachiever this year. 

Also, the most expensive cut down tree that we've ever purchased (thank you drought of 2012) is currently on display in our old kitchen.  Which hasn't been remodeled yet, but you know how it is after you live with something for long enough you just learn to ignore stuff?  Well, we ignore the cupboards and sink that no longer works.  Back to the point:  I've even watched a couple Christmas movies.  Elf and A Very Brady Christmas.  Good times.

I'm hoping to soak it all in this year.  Even if it is crazy fast.  We're even attempting to do Ann Voskamps Jesse Tree Avent Calendar.  It's amazing & free.  And by attempting, I mean we've already had to combine days because we missed some because we're like that.  I want to build the anticipation of Jesus' birth.  Because it's about Him.  And along the way, I want to enjoy the celebrations and hoopla and crazy that go along with it. 

Tis the season...


So.  Forever ago (October 19th to be exact) I told you that TOMORROW I would tell you about one of my favorite Bible Studies that our group is currently doing...

And tomorrow turned into December 2nd.  My bad.  

But I can say, that I'm further into the study than I was back in October and

It's called STUCK.

One of the best ways I can describe it, is that God has used it as a sort of means of bringing refining, and purifying to my spiritual life.  It assaulted all my "good enough" perceptions of myself.  It made me look at areas of my life, my personality, with a fresh perspective...or a fresh dose of reality.  And a lot of what I saw in me needed to be surrendered.  Crucified.

It's interesting though.  Much like what happens when someone is presented with the Gospel of Christ...their hearts are softened or hardened by it's message, I've noticed that through this study, dealing with these areas of sin causes us to either soften and repent or bristle and ignore.  Whether we like to admit it or not, it's a reflection of our spiritual condition.  I love a study that can do that.  One that can cut to the quick of God's calling for us. 

It's so very good. 


I'm Alive and Well

You know you've ignored your blog for too long when you start receiving emails and questions about your well-being.  

Sorry about that.

November was an interesting month.  And I wish there was a way to blog about some of the things I learned, experienced, and grew from...but there's no way to do it in a way that remains general enough.  My life is too "small" to be vague enough.  And so this past month will be one of those lessons that I have to learn from and then keep private...because that's just how blogging works sometimes. 

Blogging can be tricky., because like any writer, you're putting yourself out there for not only encouragement, but ridicule as well.  You run the risk that people are going to misunderstand your words, your heart, your intentions.  I think anyone that has blogged for a significant amount of time can attest to this.  It's just part of the deal.  That's hard to overcome sometimes.  And sometimes it just seems easier to shut-up.  Lock down.  And then something happens...

Emails.  Thoughtful questions and concerns.  And the Holy Spirit's gentle reminder that there's a purpose in the writing.

There's a purpose in the writing.  And my purpose is not to be understood by's to share my journey.  My journey.  So I'm going to get back at that.  

Thanks for hanging around for it. :)

Friday, October 19, 2012


This Week:

  • Parenting has kicked my butt.  And four kids is a lot of work. *shocking*  Some days I feel like I'm doing a great job with two and a terrible job with the other two (the number and children vary.)  Fighting that feeling of not being and doing enough as a mom.  
  • Lucy and I are heading to Target today.  It has a Starbucks in it and I have a coupon for buy one get one free.  And yes: I am planning on drinking both.
  • I finished off a gallon of fresh pressed apple cider...almost entirely by myself.  Diabetes is waiting around the corner.
  • Remember I set that goal?  Well, I've got 28 miles in so far and I think I'll hit my goal with no problem. Who knew?  Sadly, the 50 miles of running can't begin to burn off all the cider.  But, it's fall...and the cider must be drank.  Drunk?  English...gets me every time.
  • I successfully washed two wool peacoats without shrinking them.  Score. Because I have no problem spending 5 bucks on a small cup of coffee, but to clean my coat?  Nah.  Last year I just wore it all winter with it having junk all over it.  The trick was to wash on cold, with very little agitation (front loader) and air dry.  It smelled stinky when wet (wool) but fresh and clean once it dried!
  • I am a guest blogger over at The Domestic Fringe today.  I love her and her blog, and I'm honored she invited me (and my bad grammar) over for a guest post.  Go tell her hi...and help her not regret her decision. ;)
  • I scalded my hand on the steam from the church coffee pot that I was cleaning out with vinegar.  Genius.
  • I made a pot of coffee (several times) and 4:00 in the afternoon.  Just because.  

I hope your week was as riveting as mine.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


It probably began last winter sometime...I began thinking a lot about prayer.  When we would ask for prayer requests at church, in Bible Study, Sunday School, they always looked the same.  Most were about physical needs.  Some were about life situations and very, very few were about our own spiritual struggles.  

And it bothered me.  It bothered me that in my own life prayer had become about petitioning God for what I thought was best.  Bring healing.  Provide here.  Work out this situation.   Bossy.  

I couldn't shake that nagging thought of, "Who are you, to think you know best?"  

Because I know myself.  And I know nothing about how anything is going to turn out.  Ever.  I make wrong assumptions, wrong choices, often with wrong motives.  And yet when I spoke to my Holy God, I came before Him with instructions.

Why?  WHY?  There were a couple reasons.  One:  That's how people around me pray.  We all do it.  I mean, when the prayer line comes around to me and I say, "You got this God.  Do what honors and glorifies You...and no matter what that is, help us to draw close to you and bring You glory."  What are people gonna think?!?  It might end up sounding like I am just in a hurry.  So instead, I list out a few (not all) and then wrap it up. People pleasing at its finest.  Two:  If I  just list out instructions, then I'm not responsible for really accepting His plan.  And I think I'm in control, and that makes me feel better.  Except that is doesn't.  Because ultimately I know that I'm a moron and shouldn't be left in control. Of anything.

And then this spring I got an email.  They'd like to know if I would review a book.  And it's called Anything.  And in my gut I know this is God's timing.

It's called Anything: the prayer that unlocked my God and my Soul by Jennie Allen.

If you want less God, then you will hate this book.  If you want to remain in control because you know best, this book is not for you.  

But if you are feeling that nagging-in-the-gut that you are holding back from God...then read this.  I promise you it will hurt so good.

Part 1 of the book is called Everything Keeping us from Anything, and I read through that thinking yep, yep, yep.  Right on.  

Part 2 is called Praying Anything and that's the part of the book where the tears begin to flow...because the prayer of Anything is hard.  And scary.  But essential if we want to know the fullness that God has for us.

And Part 3 is my favorite, called Living Anything.  Jennie gets down to the nitty gritty of what that means, and how (practically) that works out in our lives.  

Jennie's writing style is easy, and honest and simply to the point.  I adore it. 

I've found that Anything is a prayer I pray, and then often try to take back.  I often pray anything, and mean anything but that.  I'm a work in progress, and two steps forward and one step back is still better than being stuck.

And Stuck is what I'm talking about tomorrow.  Stick around.  And say hello.  Stalkers. ;)

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