Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Holidays. Show all posts

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I Mean It...

I could go on and on about him...but ya'll, some of that stuff is private :) so I'm gonna sum it up in one statement:

I want our boys to grow up to be just like him.

He is one of the greatest blessings God has given me.

Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Little Bit Crusty

I use the term "crusty" to describe myself when I've not showered or gotten ready for the day(s). Do ya'll use this word like that or is just me?!?

I turned 30 in December. No big deal, I was totally fine with it. Until today, that is. I walked by a picture that sits on a shelf in our living room and actually stopped to look at it.

It's a pic from the 4th of I started to reminisce about that day the pic was taken...two years ago. All the while thinking to myself how YOUNG I looked...then it hit me! That pic is not from two years ago, it is from LAST 4th of July!!! What the heck happened to me this year?!?

OK, so I know what happened...but out of all the natural disasters, I'm gonna blame it on the fact that since I turned 30, I've probably washed my make-up off before bed, like 10 times. *gasp* (by the way, this is just between you and NOT tell my Arbonne friend)

So bloggy friends, I'm off to wash my make-up off...wait...I didn't put any on today because it just doesn't go with the crustiness of my tiny-town right now...but I'll wash and moisturize anyways! And, if you happen to have a miracle in a bottle that is also inexpensive, I'm all ears!

Side note: My short hair this year...WAY BETTER...I'm not a long hair girl, doesn't fit my least that's my theory for now.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Love Them

Moms: Love being having one. Happy Mother's Day!

I have managed to make Mother's DAY into a weekend event...I think it should be changed to Mother's Weekend...or better yet, week. Last night, I overheard Eli, my middle one, telling his older brother that he wished there was a
"Kid's Day" then they could get candy. HA! I think I may have muttered under my breath something about Every. Day. Being. Kid's. Day... *smiles*

Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rocks 4 Sale

Gotta love it. Little boys selling rocks out of the back of their Gator.

Their slogan, which Eli shouted over and over, at the top of his lungs..."Get your shiny rocks here"...they're quite the salesmen, they offered free flowers (weeds) with purchase. Price of the beautiful shiny rocks:$.50. You bet I bought some...I know a good deal when I see it.

Happy Mother's Day!

Friday, May 9, 2008

It's Early...

Dear Mom,

How does one, especially me, put into words how thankful I am for you!?! I'm trying (very) hard to resist doing it in list form :) Here goes...

This is your 30th mother's day :) I'm pretty sure you probably have all the cards you've ever received (from anyone) somewhere in your hope chest :) And yes, I know you'll print this off to show to the ladies at work ;)

As I look back over the years of my life, not one has existed without you. From the beginning...from the moment you found out that you were going to be having a baby, at the tender age of 18, God has been working all things together for good. The choice to get married, although teenagers and probably not ready, you did it...and it was a good choice. It was the right choice. You created a home for me, that was filled with love. Not perfect, of course, but stable and loving. In some ways...we grew up and matured together.

We met Jesus, in such a real way, together. I, just a young teenager, and you 30 something with a husband and 3 children. Growing in our faith looked much different in each of our lives. As a 15 year old, there's definitely a lot less re-learning to do! God knew...what was in store. He knew, down the road, hard times were coming. I will continually praise Him for His timing. Together, we experienced the pain of deception and lies. You as a wife...and me as a daughter. The pain of the divorce, after 20 years of marriage, is never forgotten, by a wife or a grown daughter. But it is healed! Had God not drawn us to Him those years before...I know, we would not stand where we stand today.

Looking back I can now also see how God has used each of us to help the other grow. I'm sure that raising me (and my mouth) caused maturing and patience in you...and long-suffering :) Your life, the good and the bad, God has used to teach and train me. It is not over yet. The good and the bad will still's part of living. It's the assurance that He's seen us through before, and He'll surely do it again, that brings peace.

I am thankful for you...and for Dennis. For the home and family that over the past 7 years you have created...blended. I know, that as you look at your children, God's grace and mercy is so evident in each of our lives. You had a big part in that.

Now, as a mother myself, I understand the prayers and the sacrifices. Thank you for always doing the best you knew at the time. And for growing and changing when God revealed to you it was necessary...I'm pretty sure that's the sign of a great mom...that and your grand-children adore you. (feel free to come get them anytime, by the way, :)

Happy Mother's Day...early (because no one will read this on me:)

Much Love,


Sunday, March 23, 2008

Oh the Fun...

Someone at church today said, "Happy Resurrection Day" and I liked it...I think I like it better than "Easter"....I might just change the name of the holiday (in our home:) Can I do that? I think I can! What a fun day, both with church family and regular family. We were at Ben's parents this year and it was a blast. The kids got to hunt for Easter eggs in grandpa's new building (for working on his farm machinery) its heated and all clean still...which worked well since we woke up to snow on the ground!
PS - I'm SO glad we went to the dentist last week and not this week....I'm sure their teeth are all rotten now :)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

So NOT About the Bunny....

Can you tell I just learned how to post videos? I know, I know, second one in a row :) I've been racking my brain over my Easter post. How do I write about Easter...about something that isn't just a holiday for's about my Savior, my best do I put that into words? Truth is...I can't. The Bible does it for me...and most know the Easter story. May this Easter be less about knowing the story and so much more about really, truly, knowing who Jesus is, and standing in awe of a God that loved me so much, he endured the cross, so that I would not have to. His sin did not put Him there....mine did. Why me?!? Why us?!? Why does He love us SO much? I have no idea! But I do know, that whenever I start to feel as though my life is insignificant, I'm reminded of all that He chose to do for me...because He loves me...and I am His.

The song above is one of my all time favorites. It sums it all up. And...if you cry like a baby through it, please know you're in good company :)

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