Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's Even Boring to Me...

I can't seem to get my thoughts into one cohesive idea.

Imagine that.

Guess that means bullet points.

  • It was hair-cut day today, WOO HOO! I'll resist showing pictures because it was just a trim...but it feels GREAT!

  • I'm feeling a little lazy now that I just have one child at home. I think it's part of the whole "adjustment" thingy, but still...

  • Yesterday I learned how to do this cross out a word I've been admiring it for months but could never figure it out! Thank you blogging basics 101, my new hero. Be prepared for me to use it endlessly. ENDLESSLY.

  • I'm going to start cooking...meals. And making menus. It's a novel idea.

  • Oh here's a hair-cut pic...who am I kidding, I can't resist a hair cut picture

OK...this post is boring me to death...I gotta end it...after I apologize profusely. Maybe you can leave me a comment with something really interesting in it so it will balance out my boringness and my readers will at least have SOMETHING interesting to justify their time wasted here. Seriously...I'm counting on you :)

Monday, August 25, 2008

To All My Tone Deaf Friends...

It's time my friends.

It's time to let you in on a little game I play...ok, really there are LOTS of little games I play. Like, when driving through a really fancy neighborhood...I pick my house. You know, the one...the one I'd buy if it were at all in my league.

Hmmm...I wonder if anyone with ooodles of money has ever driven by my house and thought, "If I were middle-class...I'd totally pick THAT one."

...back to the game for today. While driving to Pizza Hut last night (to pick up supper and no, I did not get these because my neighbor brought over cake, which I ate for breakfast ;) I caught myself playing this game...the "If I could sing, I pick her voice" game.

Now, there are some (made up) rules.

  1. If God has blessed you with the gift of song, you my friend, are ineligible to play. Your God-given gift completely and totally disqualifies you. But, if you happen to be like myself, and can only sound pleasant after turning the music up so loudly that you can no longer hear yourself...this is your game.

  2. If you are one of the gifted by God singers, and you're feeling a little left out, by all means, go ahead and play the "If I didn't have the gift of song, and I could be totally tone deaf, I would be (fill in the blank)" game.

  3. Pick anyone your little heart desires.

I've been playing this game a long time, and every so often my choice changes. It's the benefit of the tone deaf. I get to change my mind :)

For quite awhile now...my choice is her.

That's right...I'd totally be country :) Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland, you win.

Your turn.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

All I Need is a Cute Bag...

Remember this post...about the bag?

And this post about the dress?

What do you get when you mash those two posts (the green bag and Wal-Mart)together?


Isn't is cute?!? A "green" bag from Wal-Mart! And guess what! It cost $1.00. ONE DOLLAR! I am now fully stocked with non-plastic bags...and surprisingly, the Wal-Mart cashier seemed a little annoyed with my green-ness...which totally made me smile, because WHO KNEW I'd ever have any green-ness to annoy anyone with!?!

I may be able to do anything...as long as there is a cute bag involved!

Happy Saturday Friends!

Friday, August 22, 2008

It Smarts a Little...

Today's post is pretty much just part two of yesterday's.

God is continually showing me things about myself through my children.

The latest is this: My three old's stubbornness is driving me crazy...I am God's three year old.

And frankly, that smarts a little.

Isn't it interesting that no mother has ever had to teach her young toddler to be selfish, to want his own way, to not share, to have a melt-down. The sin nature shows up early on (some earlier than others;) and a child left to their own natural tendencies most often grows up into an adult that both you and I wish we could avoid.

It wasn't until I had my own toddler that I realized how childish my own behavior can still be. And with each subsequent toddler I have been reminded over and over again :)

Here is a random list (from just yesterday) of how my three year old and I have a few things in common...
  • He wants his way most of the time. (need I say more?)
  • Out in public, he 99% of the time behaves very, very well. Compliant, sweet, obedient and just plain adorable. But in the safety of his own home the meltdowns occur. (Sound familiar?)
  • He asks me for milk, I fill his cup. Half way through drinking his cup, he changes his mind and decides he wants OJ. I say, "finish your milk and then you can have OJ"...meltdown follows. (Hmmm...how often do I ask my heavenly father for something and he gives it, and then I change my mind and ask for something else, and when He doesn't respond immediately I feel like "throwing my cup" and pouting on the floor...I'm just saying)
  • Potty training: He could totally do it if he wanted...instead he's decided that sitting around in a poopy diaper is not so bad. It's worked till now, why bother to change it. He has no idea the joys of underwear, for both him and I, because he's trusting in what he knows...what's familiar.

(How many times do I (we) just keep doing things the way we always have, believing it's still good enough. Believing that sitting around in the stink is not so bad?!? Instead I could just trust Him enough to believe He has better planned and step out in obedience and give it a try.)

  • He looks so sweet and sincere when he apologizes...until two seconds later when I find him spraying Windex on the couch. (does my repentance often look the same way?)
  • At three years old, in his mind, he fully thinks he's capable of calling the shots...and how do you explain to a three year old how COMPLETELY limited their knowledge and understanding is and without ME he'd be in a world of trouble. (I behave in this EXACT same way, and my three year old's knowledge is MUCH closer to his mommas level than mine is to God's)
  • He whines and whines and whines in hopes that it will change my no to a yes. (obvious)
  • He loves to tattle on his brothers if they even come close to doing something wrong or bother him in any sort of way...without ever even noticing all the wrong he managed to accomplish during the same time frame. (guilty)

Ok, ok, so I could go on for days and days on this topic, but I'm sure you get my point.

For all of the stubbornness and strong-will my sweet little Jake possesses, there's a million more absolutely wonderful things about him. And I can walk through this phase with him, because I know he will grow and mature into what God has created him to be. My love for him is changeless.

How much more so it is with my heavenly father. He walks with me, and lovingly guides and disciplines me as necessary because He longs to see me continue to grow and mature into what He has created me to be. I am so thankful He loves me that much :)

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Staring At Me...

If I could give out gold medals for blog comments all you guys would get gold for yesterdays. Seriously.

Two ideas spoke to me through your comments.

  1. My heart wandering issue

  2. My 3 year old's stubbornness is driving me crazy...I am God's 3 year old.

I'll tackle the first today and the second tomorrow.

It's the miracle that is...blogging. Journaling, with feedback. And your feedback got me thinking... a lot. Mama Belle (my bff whom I've never met who lives in/by the bayou where I've never been) said this to me, "You do know we all struggle with this, right?"And I said (not out loud) to myself, "Pfffff...of course I do Mama Belle." And the next thought that IMMEDIATELY followed was "but I'm sure my heart wanders away more quickly than theirs."

And there ya have it. Truth with a tiny lie attached to the end of it. I know it's a universal struggle for Christians...I've just believed that just maybe ya'll can keep your hearts from so easily being swayed from it's first love...Jesus. Where exactly this thought process came from, I have no idea...but yesterday I was made aware of it. The truth is, that I know first hand how easily my heart wanders...it may be the at the root of all of our struggles as Believer's...after all, the first commandment was to have no other gods.

Speaking of no other gods...yesterday I just happened to go to the post office, and there just happened to be a certain book there that I had ordered last week from Amazon. Yep. This book. I ordered it sort of on a whim, last week. Some bloggy friends had said they're reading it, and when I was on Amazon ordering something else, this little book popped up and I clicked on it.

Last night I opened it and read to about page 13 before I set it down and tried to devise a plan to somehow forget I'd ever seen it. It's that good :) I came up with no good plan. It keeps staring at me even as I type this.

I know the Holy Spirit wants to use this book to show me areas of my life that need to change. But change is hard...and frankly, I'm a tad lazy.

But here it is. The root of the issue...staring at me from my desk. God has taught me innumerable lessons (most of them multiple times) and there is one thing I know for sure. I can run from this...but God, in His infinite love for me, will out-run me. I can surrender now, or I can totally wear myself out first, but either way...He's gonna deal with this issue. I think I'll do it now :)

So...I'm off to begin confronting my modern day idols...and separate my kids so they don't kill each other...all in a days work ;)

Oh wait...it also makes me think of a song :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Yesterday was the boys' second day of school and my three year old is having some trouble adjusting to his time at home with no brothers around.

What I mean is: He is getting himself into t-r-o-u-b-l-e.

The scenario all day long:

Me (calling up the stairs) "Jake, whatcha doing?"

Jake: Silence

All you moms know silence is bad news. Turns out he was bathing his tractors in this. Guess what? That doesn't come off so good...we have some well-greased tractors now.

Next scenario involved me calling up the stairs (again).

Jake's reply: "I saw-wee"

Also not a good sign, when the first thing they do is apologize. This one involved my make-up. *grrrrrr* Needless to say, I've got to get creative in keeping him busy with stuff he's actually supposed to be in :)

We're both adjusting. Yesterday I found myself hurrying around to accomplish stuff because I only had one child at home...as if I had JUST THIS DAY to do it all! It finally occurred to me that there will be more days. It also occurred to me how precious our weekends will be, with our whole family together all day long. I will look forward to them in a new and different way.

I'm also finding I have more quiet. In the new quietness I've realized how over the summer, in the chaos, I let myself forget how important the quiet time with God is. I didn't make room for enough quiet time with Him. My time with Him was most often interrupted by children (for lack of dragging myself out of bed before them).

He amazes me with all He is doing. His endless patience and love. No matter how many times I need to come before Him (and it is endless) confessing my failures at putting Him first, loving others more, dyeing to self...He never says "enough is enough" instead, He picks me back up, dusts me off, and like a loving father tells me to stop doing it on my own, and let Him help.

Why in the midst of busyness, is He the first one I shove to the side? Is it because I know his endless love and patience for me and I feel safe in doing it...much like my own children push the limits with me because they know as their momma my love is unconditional?

Pondering this question today, and examining my heart, so that I can stop pushing Him aside when life seems to demand my attention. Praying His Spirit helps me to carve out that precious quiet time no matter what. No matter what!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Go (light) Green...

The "Go Green" theme is everywhere, everywhere.

I've resisted...(even though I do heart the color green).

In my head, to Go Green, also meant buying into the whole global warming thing...which by the way...I do not.

The more I read on global warming, the more I'm convinced that its mostly a political agenda used to promote oneself. Back to my point...

Then, this week while at the grocery store, I decided to purchase this:

Because I thought to myself...
  1. That would hold a lot of groceries
  2. It's cuter than plastic bags
  3. Go me.

I had a revelation in the grocery store.

I can do my part to not be completely wasteful. Being a little green does not have to mean I buy into global warming. The two do not have to go hand in hand. I do not think the life span of our earth depends upon humans being green. God created it, and He has said in His Word that He's coming again and there will be a new heaven and a new earth...I'm pretty sure He didn't mean that this was dependent on us mere mortals taking care of it. Pretty sure ;)

But I can respect what He has created while still glorifying the creator over the created. Which, for me, means I now have two of those cute little canvas bags AND I'm attempting to start recycling (more than just pop cans). I have to say, I'm not particularly enjoying the whole recycling thing...baby steps, baby steps.

So...I'm going green...a very light shade of green :)

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