Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Lay it Down...

If you could see me now...

  • it would not be pretty.

  • sitting at the computer, headphones in (trying to block out a 3 year old's incessant whining that is frankly driving me to drink....excessive amounts of coffee.)

  • Making lists. Menu list, grocery list, things that need to be organized list, cleaning list, Bible Club to-do list, Bible Study to-do list, get my butt in gear list...on and on.

  • sitting here with a complete lack of ideas on what to blog about.

  • feeling a little inadequate in just about every area right now.

  • hoping the Schwan's guy doesn't come while I'm sitting here because I don't have an order for him and that makes me feel bad...for some reason.

  • listening to this song that just came on my quickly I forget to do this...

Everything I am

Everything I long to be

I lay it down, at your feet

I lay it down, I lay it down, I lay it your feet.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


It is my new favorite word.  Fun-hater.

It's like a better version of Party-pooper.

It came up last week at our Ladies Bible Study.  We were on the Sexual Purity chapter in Seeking Him, discussing God's instructions on the whole issue (I know, you're wishing you'd been there for that one;)  A friend mentioned how His instructions are for our protection, He gave them to us out of His love for us, not because He is a fun-hater.

I *gasped*, not because I disagree, but because I'd NEVER heard that amazingly wonderful word before!  It's also around the time we collectively decided that our women's study needs t-shirts that say "We are not fun-haters" 

Anyways...the whole fun-hater thing has got me thinking.

Do people around me think I'm a fun-hater?  Depends upon the definition of fun I guess.  My definition is vastly different than many.

There are things I don't do that could make me considered a fun-hater...

The biggest:  I don't drink alcohol...ever.  Never been bar hopping, drunk, buzzed, hung-over...never had a drink to loosen up, or take my mind off something.  I don't even like the smell or taste of it.  I grew up around it...seen all the stages...from the casual one-drinker with dinner to the raging alcoholic...still can't find the fun in it.  

I think I've witnessed too many of the not-fun-things about it to ever think it was actually fun. 

Call me crazy.

I'm sure as my boys grow up, and turn into teenagers, and I begin the lovely task of setting and enforcing curfews, dating rules, driving privileges and all that good stuff I will really be considered a fun-hater.

I can deal ;)

Because really...its not about hating's about guarding their heart, mind, and life.  

It may seems crazy to some...but for me, it's what I often refer to as a hedge.  A hedge of protection...something put into place to guard.

One of my absolute favorite books (that I'm recommending all the time in real life) is called Hedges.  It's a book on protecting your marriage, but the principals in it carry over into life in general.  We do or don't do certain things in order to protect something or someone.  

For real...I'm not a fun-hater ;)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Nothing Original...

Another meme...because I can.

This one I saw at Jodie's and Mama Belle's blogs.

Here goes.

If you could be invisible where would you go?

I'd hang out with my kids at school to see how they interact when I'm not around. Or I'd follow the current president around or I'd hang out at Heth's house to see if it's as much fun to be a part of their fam as I think it is :)

What was your favorite book growing up?

Are You There God, it's Me Margaret...and Where the Red Fern Grows.

Where is the worst place you've had to wait?

Four years ago I was newly preggo and very nauseous with Jake. I went to vote in the presidential election and I had to wait at the extremely hot community building in a long line with two little ones and people who did not smell so good. But dang it, MY VOTE COUNTED! :)

Name a food that nauseates you.

Bananas. *gag*

If you could read minds, whose would you want to read?

None. Just the thought of it frightens me beyond words.

What's the worst grade you've ever gotten?

On what? A Class, a paper, a test? No matter...that would be an F. We learn from failure, right?!?

If you could be an animal what would you be and why?

Odie. He's livin' the dream.

If you were a teacher what grade would you teach?
Do I have to? I love teaching Bible Club and my new Sunday School class of teenage girls...but lets face it, that's a total of 2 hours, 2 days a week. The thought of twenty some kids, 5 days a week, ALL day long...God Bless all the teachers!!!!!

How close to fist place have you ever gotten in a limbo contest?

Ummm...not close. I am not flexible. At all. I am not a limbo fan. Count me out.

Maybe I'll come up with an original thought for tomorrows post...maybe.

Monday, October 20, 2008

This Never Happens...

Anyone know what you rarely see on my blog...besides proper grammar?


Let's just say that cooking...well, it's not my joy. I can do it. I just don't particularly enjoy it...or ever look forward to doing it. My mom claims this will change someday...which generally makes me respond with my inner 15 year old: whatever.

But today, I have a recipe. My bloggy friend Tonya at A Mrs. and a Mom, commented on my post yesterday that she didn't know what a pumpkin bar was...and as I read heart stopped for a minute (oh I exaggerate, it was probably only a couple seconds, but still)...The pumpkin bar is one of the tastiest treats of to the candy corn, peanuts, and M&M heart broke at the thought of anyone missing out on my beloved pumpkin bars!!

I must share this recipe. It is my blogging duty. PLUS, I'd like to spread around the added 5 pounds that this little recipe seems to come with.

It's a recipe that I got from my aunt (which in IA we pronounce the proper way, "ant")...and I'm not biased or anything...but it's the best one out there. *smiles*
Tonya, this one is for you.
Pumpkin Bars: 2 Cups Sugar, 1 Cup Oil, 4 eggs - cream together
1 Can pumpkin pie filling (8 or 12 oz.)
2 Cups Flour, 2 tsp baking powder, 1 tsp Baking Soda, 1/2 tsp salt; 1 tsp cinnamon.

Spread in large ungreased bar pan.

Bake at 375 for 20-25 minutes.

Frosting: (i.d. best part) 2 Cups Powdered Sugar, 3/4 Stick Butter (melted), 1 tsp vanilla, 3 oz. cream cheese (softened)

Enjoy...and sorry about the added poundage...but it's totally worth it...I think I'll go make another pan...

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Suck It In...

Apparently he's trying to hold his "toddler tummy" in...with some masking tape.

He is naughty resourceful...I give him that.

I may try it too...except I may need something (duct?) tape perhaps? I blame it on those pesky pumpkin bars.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

G Rated

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Crack me up. I am happy that it's G...I was a little afraid that with my excessive use of the word, barf, it might be PG. But apparently, barf is not at all bad...they only recorded puke as my questionable word. That's funny me, that is :)

And now...the before and after!

Dining room ceiling fan/light before:

And super cute new pendant light from IKEA that I absolutely love:

The pics don't quite capture its'll just have to trust me.

Thanks so much to Dennis, Ben and Ryan for hanging it for me :)

Tonight we have a soup supper and hayride at fun!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Still in There...

Know what's been on my mind a lot lately?

Teenagers. For a couple of reasons:

The past few weeks I've reconnected with some friends from highschool through the previously mentioned wonders of Facebook. It's got me thinking about how fast time has flown by.

In a couple of months I will be 31 years old, but the words of this post, ring as true as ever. (you should go read it, because I wrote it back when I had about 5 people reading my blog, there's a good chance you didn't read it me.)

I have matured...for sure. But much of that same dorky quirkiness is still living inside of this body. And ya know what...I heart that silly 15 year old...she's the one that get's excited about the little things. Gives people the benefit of the doubt...remembers to give some grace...isn't afraid to ask why or ask hard questions, and easily admits she stands in awe before a Holy God, whom she can't wrap her tiny brain around.

The second reason I've got teenagers on the brain is that I'm going to start teaching a high school Sunday School class...which will consist of myself and 2 girls that are foreign exchange students. I'm already praying for them, because seriously, it's hard enough for people who speak English as their first language to follow my randomness...poor girls...I'm pretty sure the Holy Spirit will be doing some divine interpreting for them ;)

Anyways, last night I went and got a Revolve Devotional Bible for teenage girls (it's a gift to my inner 15 year old;) and the study we're gonna do, which is Experiencing the Heart of Jesus student edition by Max Lucado. When Ben was in seminary we worked with the teens...I didn't realize how much I missed it until I was standing in the bookstore looking at all the different resources.

Fun stuff.

There's more:

  1. Picked up this CD for this's my current fave...and life theme.
  2. My parents are coming tonight to help Ben install my new light from IKEA. Happy Day! Pics tomorrow.

Phew! This was a long one.

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