Showing posts with label Lucy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lucy. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Moral of the Story...

Not long ago on Facebook, I posted a picture of this in my status:

It could be titled:  I Had Three Boys First and I Don't Know What to do With These Things

Or maybe a shorter title would be better.

But my friend Cortney hooked me up.  Big time.  As in,  she made me the ribbon holder and hand delivered it to my front door.  Is that not fantastic?!?

Seriously people, I don't want you to miss the moral of this story.  Which is, in desperate circumstance, throw that problem out on the internet and someone somewhere will take pity on you and help you and soon you'll go from that terrible picture above, to  this:

I got this idea from a friend too.  It's full of all the headband thingys.

Lucy's head still looks like this:

Now I just have to remember to actually put them in her hair. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Moment

It feels like yesterday...that she was so tiny.

In two days she'll be 10 months old.  Last night, she started crawling on all fours.  And like always, I felt the surge of mixed emotions....excited for the next step and a nagging sadness over saying goodbye to yet another baby stage.

I have breathed in every moment of the last 10 months.  I can't say that about my first three babies...back then I didn't understand how fleeting the time was.  How I'd look at a baby one day, and a 3rd grader the next.  Wondering how their feet got so huge, without me even noticing.  How does that happen? I see him everyday.

I'm learning to breathe-in the moment.  No rushing it.  No trying to slow it.  Just living it.   The 3rd grader, the 2nd grader, the 5 year old, the baby.  Trying to embrace it, yet not hold on too tightly...because it's a moment.  They're meant to grow...I'm meant enjoy the moment and trust that God holds the future.  

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

FB is so much quicker...

Saturday I was perusing sewing blogs (it's my new thing) and came across this tutorial.    I think it was probably the "20 minute" project that made me think I could do it, because normally I would think a headband was waaay beyond my 5-minutes-of -sewing-capabilities.  

The first headband (below) took me 1.5 hours to make.  Apparently "20 minutes" is only for those who actually  know how to sew.  

But the second headband, really did take only 20 minutes!  It's completely imperfect.  Which makes it charming.  And least that's what I keep telling myself.

Sewing has turned out to be quite fun so far.  The only place to do it though, is on our main table, which means two things:
  1. I have to get it out and put it away every. single. time.
  2. The house turns into a slop hole while I sew.

Here's Lucy doing her part to contribute to the's her favorite thing.  I put all the toys in, and she pulls them out one by one.  

And, just for sheer cuteness, Lucy & the Tutu.

You know how to tell if you've become a lazy blogger?  Your blog post is pretty much the same as your Facebook page.  Yeah...that would be me.

Hoping to stop that...

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's What We Do...

Dear Little Lu,

It's hard to believe you're already 6 months and 3 weeks old.  Even crazier, is that for the past 6 months, we've only been separated a handful of times.  

Truthfully...I can't get enough of you.  I'm pretty sure you feel the same.  

Your smile is infectious.

I breathe in the smell of you, feel your chubby little cheeks against mine and seriously believe that this must be what Heaven smells like. I have those same thoughts when I enter Starbucks and the Aveda Salon...but we'll discuss that when you're older...

I look at your pictures hanging on the walls, and can hardly believe how fast you've grown.  It makes my heart ache a little because it seems no matter how much I savor every moment...the moments are still just moments.  Gone quickly.

Yesterday, as we waited to pick up your brothers from school, I sat and watched a mom walk with her young toddler daughter, hand in hand.  I pictured longer a baby, but walking along holding my hand.  It made me smile.  I think it was God's way of reminding me to enjoy today, but to look forward with joy to what is ahead, rather than long for what will have passed.

But for now, I will treasure our almost-every-day dance together.  It usually happens in the afternoon, when your brothers are at school and the house is quiet...just you and me.  You fighting going down for a nap, me, swaying and rocking and shooshing you to this song.

I wonder if you'll remember...I will.

Love you, Miss Lucy.  

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Too Busy to Tell You...

Things I'm too busy to tell you about...

  • I've been reading blogs, it's easier to read then come up with a post.  
  • Lucy turned 5 months old.  She celebrated with her first fever and cold.  She's better now.
  • She has lost almost all her hair.  She's sporting a sort of come-over-mohawk right now.  It takes a special kind of cuteness to pull off this look.  She's done it.
  • I'm hooked on watching the show LA Ink.  It's about tattoo artists.  No I do not have one.  Yes I am way to much of a wuss to even contemplate wanting one unless an epidural was available.  You think they'd find it ironic that a pastors wife in tiny town Iowa was completely amused by their show?  I do.  For some reason, I find it fascinating.  My husband is not amused with my fascination.
  • My running partner has an injury so we've taken a break till it heals.  Technically, I could still be running, but I think it kinder of my to take a "sympathy break"  *cough*  I'm nice like that.
  • I've made it my goal to master the knit beret hat.  I always try them on and look like a dork, but THIS year, I'm gonna learn how to wear it right.  And, I can then go for DAYS without doing my hair, greasy roots will totally be hidden.  Brilliant.  It's amazing what laziness can inspire.  Pictures to come...after I actually find the hat and then learn how to wear it.
  • Today, my black leggings have Gus hair all over them.  Devastating. 
Happy Tuesday Blogland.  

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I Love Lucy

Before this week, I had never watched the beloved television show, I Love Lucy.  Crazy, no?   Since I did, after all, name my baby girl Lucy.  And since Lucille Ball is probably the most famous of Lucys' (next to the bratty Charlie Brown one) I thought I should culturize myself a bit.  I'm not sure why, exactly, that I'd never seen it, but I think it may be the fact that I can't stand to watch anything that is not in color.  

I'm lame, I can't help it.  Don't even ask me how many times I've skipped the first part of The Wizard of Oz, just to get to the color part.  

But his week, I happened to find I Love Lucy on the Hallmark channel and so I've been DVRing it.  Turns out, I happen to quite enjoy it!  

But I do have a question.  How old are Lucy and Ricky supposed to be in the show?  Because I can't tell.  The black and white and the clothing styles throw me off a bit.  Please help a girl out.

Oh, and when googling, I found this t-shirt that I may have to order for Ben. :)

On an entirely different subject (other than her name)...

I bought Lucy a excersaucer thingy at WalMart this week.  I'd previously told myself I wouldn't because they're so big and I don't have room.  BUT.  I'm desperate for something to entertain her, other than me holding her in an upright position so she can see everything that's going on.  This one is smaller, and better yet, it was a whole $22. 
She likes it!!  Yay for 10 minutes for me to get something done.  

She's got some room to grow into it.  

*"Lucy" image courtesy of google images*

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Kind of a Boring Update...

I probably have 5 minutes before Little Miss Lucy decides her can-it-really-even-be-called-a-nap-because-it's-so-stinkin'-short "nap" is over.  Let's see how much I can cram in.

  1. It's my mom's birthday today.  She's 51.  I only tell you this, because she loves to point out everyones ages...and she always makes me a year older than I really am.  (that sentence will make her smile:)  Happy Birthday Mom!!  Love you.
  2. Boys are all back in school and enjoying it.  
  3. Lucy turned 4 months.  She's 13 pounds.  Which makes her 2 pounds smaller than Eli and Jake were at this age, and 6 pounds smaller than Noah was.  Her and Jake both had their check-ups/shots yesterday.  They both did great.  Dairy Queen was involved as a bribe.
  4. Her smile that will make you want to eat her up:
Of course blogger would choose to not rotate my picture today.

5.  Running (post pregnancy) was...lets say...miserable feeling for awhile.  I just didn't feel like doing it.  And although I've kept at it, much whining was involved.  But this week, I think I've turned a corner, both physically and mentally.  Pushing through the 4-mile wall of torture feels like a breakthrough.  After that wall, the rest of the run doesn't feel quite so bad.  For this week anyways. 
6. I have succumbed to drinking regular pop again.  I know, I know...I'm so weak.  Worse yet, I don't even care about its high fructose corn syrup.  I'll leave you with that super exciting piece of info...and speaking of pop, I could use one right about now...

I made it through 6 things and Lucy is still sleeping!  Wheee!

So, what's new with you?  Tell me what I've missed.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Garden Party

Lucy and I went to her first Garden Party yesterday.  

Hosted by her Great Aunt Di...who happens to have the most beautiful flowers.

Lucy enjoyed herself.

Can you tell?

We decorated a hat.  Ben's sister, Rebecca modeled it for us.  I know, I know, you all want one now.

We got our pictures taken.  This is Lucy and I with my sister-in-law, Mary Lou.  And as I look at this picture, I realize that I forgot to tell Lou how cute her top is.  Isn't it cute?!?

Most of these picture are courtesy of my friend Beth...let's face it, the pictures I take are not nearly this good. I'm fooling no one.

The End

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Three months ago today (early in the morning), I looked like this...

And by afternoon, Lucy and I looked like this...

And now, she looks like this...

And tomorrow, I promise I'll get around to telling you about this...

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Found Her a Husband

Guess who Lucy and I got to have coffee with.

Seriously, just take a guess.

Click here to meet Lucy's future husband.  There's a picture involved.  But then, you must come back here so I can finish my story.  I'll wait.

So.  Here's the story.  Five years ago we move to tiny town so Ben can make me a Pastor's wife.  In our tiny church is a lovely family who also has three boys.  The mom's name is Trish.  Trish has a sister named Wendi who lives far far away but comes back a couple times a year for a visit.  I get to meet her.  She's very nice.  She also has boys.

A couple years go by and myself and Wendi discovers the wonder that is blog land.  We blog.  We become real life acquaintances and even better blog friends.  It's fun stuff.  

Then, Wendi has a baby boy, and I have a baby girl and they both have hair.  They must marry each other (obviously)  so that we can all live happily ever after.

What about the other 6 boys between the two of us, you ask?  So glad you asked.  If you have girls, we'll start taking applications.  It's never too early.  Hair is not required.  ;)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Like Mother Like Daughter

It's a little humid here...

Looks like baby girl has inherited her mama's hair.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It Can Wait...

It's raining here today.  

I need to clean this house.

But there's a Little Miss. that wants to snuggle her mama...

Look at those cheeks...

Irresistible, no?!?

Lucy is 7 weeks old today...the house will wait...the baby won't.

Don't worry, I'll give her a smooch for you.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


A week or so ago I tried to share some amazing pics with you...but my computer idiotness defeated me.  But today I triumphed.  Can I get a Yipee from anyone?!?  


All the pictures are courtesy of my friend Sarah.  Sarah and her family are on deputation to be missionaries in Germany.  We met last Summer, through blogging and mutual friends.  Then in August they came to tiny town to our little church to share their ministry.  And we got to meet.  And became instant friends.  After Lucy was born, she took these amazing pictures as a gift to us.  I love them.  And I love her.  And, if you go check her blog(s) out, you will love her too.  I promise.

Now...on to the "aww-ing"  (because isn't that what we all do when we see cute pictures?) 
You can click on the pics to see them larger...

Even Odie got in on it ;)

Friday, May 14, 2010

So Much Good Stuff...

Please note this is my third blog post this week.  *wink*

Last night our church held a baby shower for Lucy and I.  Lucy looked like this the whole time...

My friends from church did an amazing job hosting.  From the pink and orange decorations, to the yummy chicken salad croissants and cheesecake it really was perfection.  They even had everyone there address their own thank-you envelopes, and then sent me home with extra thank-you cards AND stamps.  Is that genius or what?!?  Being the terrible event hostess that I am,(seriously, I'm not don't want me to host anything for will be oh-so-blah) I so so so appreciate those who are gifted at it.  THANK YOU MY FRIENDS!

My friend Jenni was a surprise guest and devotionalist (is that a word?  Doubtful, but I like it)  Anyways, when I saw her walk in I was confused.  I had thought I'd just given addresses for invitations to family and church people.  Jenni is technically neither.  Then I wondered if I had slipped her name in the invites without realizing it?  (my sleep deprivation on top of my already-bad-memory makes that entirely possible)  Turns out, it was just a lovely surprise for me!  She spoke on Hannah in the Bible, and reminded me of my own journey to Lucy.  Jenni and I have been friends for 6 or 7 years now...she listened to me (for quite some time) convince myself that three kids was more than enough for me.  She was also there a couple of years ago when God started whispering that maybe there was more to His plan...the letting go of the control was a journey.  It's funny how God can bring me through such a profound experience or lesson, and before long, I've already forgotten the journey ( I blogged about it here and here.)  Last night Jenni reminded me of that journey, and that Lucy was planned by God long before I had consented to handing over control.  What if I hadn't?  Makes me tear-up to think of the blessings I'd be missing...makes me examine my life right now...where am I not giving up control?  What am I missing out on because I think I know what's best?  Thank you Jenni...for being the friend that asks the hard questions, even when I don't want you to ;)  Love you.

Here's some pics...
This quilt was made by Betty from church.  Betty is a special lady to us, and this quilt is just amazing.  Did I mention she's in her mid-eighties!?!

My mother in law got Lucy her own little stroller.  I commented on how she definitely won't have her brothers wanting to share it...

I. Was. Wrong.

He also confiscated this box from her loot...

Check out all the stuff...

And the shoes!!!!

And the cutest diaper bag ever...

I'd been eyeing it since December.  But resisted.  *insert pat on back*  Thanks for not resisting, mom!! :)  

A friend gave me this...along with a Starbucks card.  Does she know me or what?!? Lucy slept through the night last night...11:30pm-6:00 am, yay!  Now, if she could keep doing that for the next week I might be able to catch up!  Until kitchen looks like this:

Gonna get to it...eventually.  

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