Showing posts with label boys. Show all posts
Showing posts with label boys. Show all posts

Thursday, January 29, 2009

As If...

Last night during the Bible Club lesson I sat amongst the kids for a little role I like to call "crowd control." Granted, it was a small crowd, but it was made up of mostly squirley little boys.

One sweet little first grade boy was sitting in the front row...with ants in his pants (we say that kinda thing 'round here), one pew out of my reach. When I caught his eye, I smiled at him and motioned for him to come back and sit beside me.

He complied, and as he took the seat next to me, I heard him whisper to himself under his breath...I hate when I have to sit by the old ladies.

I silently *gasped* to myself. Surely he didn't think I was an old lady?!?

Oh yes he did! :)

I assure you, the inner 15-year old living inside of me...well, her feelings were hurt, HURT! Poor, poor girl.

Later on in the lesson something came up about old people, and my own first grader who was sitting on the other side of me leaned in and whispered,'re old! As if they were talking about me...thank you Noah, thank you.

My inner 15 year old has two words for you first graders...AS IF!!

Remember saying As If?!? I may start again...because there's nothing like an old lady talking like a teenager ;)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


A little story.

There once was a young lad in Kindergarten. And while at kindergarten, in his class of twenty some six year olds, he made a small can that held grass magic seed he'd planted and watered and watched grow.

His mom forgot to take a picture of it.

Which is sad...because the little magic seed container never stood a chance after being brought to the Kindergartner's home...where the three year old little brother resides.

The evidence of destruction:

The dumping

The feeble attempt at cleaning up the evidence

All that remains

The culprit...and the punishment


There's a given fact around our home...curiosity kills anything the three year old touches.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Do They?!?

Do girls sit and play with toys in the way that they were intended to be played with?

Do they?

Because in my experience, boys SO DO NOT!!!

It drives me a little bit crazy sometimes.

We have lots of toys...and rarely are they played with like I see those kids on TV commercials playing with them...with maybe the exception of Legos. Maybe.

This morning I walked into the boys' room to find Eli trying to repel off the top bunk...with his winter scarf while three others cheered him on. When I told them absolutely not, they looked at me in, WHY would I not think that was an excellent idea?!?

I carefully explained to them that a fun-hater.

It gave me a flashback to my early elementary days, when I was sure boys were absolutely gross and disgusting and made no sense at all...weirdos.

Seriously, they are a little weird ;) I love 'em and all...but it doesn't change the fact that they kinda are a little disgusting sometimes :)

As the mother of three of those beautiful little creatures...I get to say that.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Good Grief

I give up.

As a mom...there are just some battles I am not willing to fight...because I am tired. Very tired.

Awhile ago the boys came home with their school pictures. Generally, I order the smallest package possible...but for reasons I cannot explain, this year I decided to order a good size package for each of them.

When they came home with the pictures, and I looked at them, I thought to myself, "Sarah: You are an idiot" (and by idiot, I mean experienced a slight lapse in judgement ;)
I put them aside for retakes. When retake day began to near I thought I should warn the boys that they would be re-doing their school pictures. I wish I would have taped their reaction. It was pathetic. It involved writhing around on the floor and gnashing of both of them. Ridiculous. In the heat of it, I made a rash comment (shocking, I know) I said, "Fine, I'll just hand these out to everyone we know, is THAT what you want?!?"

Again...I am an idiot.

Immediately they stood up, smiled at me and said, "Yep!"

I surrender. If I made them do the re-takes, they'd have probably been worse. So, at Thanksgiving time, I will be passing out these:

Noah - First Grade

Eli in Kindergarten...sticking his tongue through his new gap in his teeth. Good times :)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Dead-Bolt is Necessary...

This is why I have to dead-bolt lock our doors...during the day, while I'm home...

He's mastered the art of sneaking out of the house, ever so fill up the watering can and then make a mud hole at the bottom of the slide...where he proceeds to play in it...fully clothed.

Did I mention it's like 50 degrees out while he's doing this?

Little rascal.

He's seriously lucky he's so dang cute.

Friday, September 19, 2008

There's No Denying It...

I remember being pregnant with my first child (Noah) and dreaming of who he would look like. Then with my 2nd baby (Eli) I wondered if he'd look like Noah...the answer to that was no. Then with Jake I wondered if the baby would look like one of his brothers, or totally different. Turns out, he looks a little like both of them.

Here's a pic of all three (as if you haven't seen them before ;)

The general reaction though, when people see Eli (middle), is "You look like your daddy!"
Yeah, yeah, yeah, he looks like his daddy is generally the reaction in my head :) I think it's adorable that my boys look like their daddy...after all, I happen to think he's quite handsome BUT I did carry each of them for 9 months...puked my guts out the first couple with each baby...gained and lost an enormous amount of weight each time...and managed to push each one out (with the help of an epidural of course.) JUST ONCE it might be nice to hear..."Man, that one really looks like you!"

That doesn't happen.
On Tuesday, Ben's mom sent home these two pictures of Ben when he was a little boy.
And here's Eli (holding his cousin):

And when I saw the pictures, I said "Eli, you look just like daddy!" Go figure ;)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Carry On...

While Noah was busy scoring his first touchdown in flag football, his brothers were busy doing this...
And this...

No...I did not feel the need to ask Jake if he'd eaten some dirt...I think it's fairly obvious.
I'm the mom who was actually relieved that there was something for them to do so I could watch the game. ;)
Carry on boys...carry on.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Little is Much...

Where do I start...

  • Last night was the kickoff of our Bible Club for kids (for this school year) It was beyond fantastic! 42 kids...and in tiny-town in tiny church...WOW...all because of Him. We also had over twice as many adults helping as we've had in previous years and I can't even begin to describe what a huge blessing/encouragement that is to me! There's a theme God has placed on my heart this year...Little is Much When God is in It :)

  • My official ministry roles are wrapped up for the week, and today, I get to just focus in on my family and I love that in a whole different way.

  • I always refer to Noah and Eli as "the boys." Ya know...

Boys...come down and eat

Boys...brush your teeth, eat breakfast, get dressed...on and on

Boys...stop hitting/kicking/punching/provoking each other

Yesterday at Target, Jake said to me, "I need to get treats for my boys like these."

It was cute.

  • And now...some visuals of what I'll be tackling today...for your viewing pleasure (seriously, it will make you feel better about the condition of your own home)

I give you example 1: "The boys" room...

And another view:

And another:

And then there's Jake...who can't seem to resist the urge to dig into anything gooey, greasy, or sprayable.

His dresser...who knows what that is smeared on there:

And this concoction is wads of toilet paper that he got soaking wet in the bathroom and then "cleaned" his garage thingy with...

Lovely, isn't it?

My boys are especially gifted in the "making disasters out of anything" makes a mother proud. *wink*

Off to clean...

Monday, August 11, 2008

Highlights:Not the Hair Kind...

As you know, I'm still (technically) on a little bloggy break...largely due to my extensive Olympic coverage watching :) And team USA...definitely making it worth it!

But I can't stay away totally, and risk losing all five readers.

Here's some old and new news from my neck of the woods...

  • Tate is doing much better! Many thanks for all your prayers and encourageing words. He came home on Saturday and they believe he has ITP (which I don't fully understand) but it's MUCH better than anything else it could have been.

  • Saturday we went to the zoo. Out of all the exotic animals...we have a favorite. It is not exotic...more like disgusting. It's the grossness factor that just keeps us coming back. I of course, took a picture for you.

When you throw food in...they do this. It gives me the heebie-jeebies...and yet I couldn't stop watching...

  • Sunday I wore these to church: LEGGINGS! They've been sitting in my dresser drawer for just never felt right...until yesterday. And guess what?!? SO COMFORTABLE!! I may wear them everyday ;)

Here's the top of my (Wal-Mart) dress...I couldn't photograph my entire self in one-shot...I'm just not that good.

  • Sunday night we spent the evening enjoying the Olympics while the boys "practiced" their Olympic moves.

The best was while watching the Women's Gymnastics...My 3 year kept saying..

"Mom, you could do that!"

Me: "no, that takes lots of practice"

Jake: "But you could..."

God bless him...he has no idea that his mommy can't even bend over and touch her toes...dang flexibility.

Happy Monday bloggy friends! And Happy Olympic watching!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm an Expert Now...

I can't come up with anything interesting to post about today!

Which means you get my schedule for the day...I know, I exciting.
  • Hubby has the day off so were heading out fishing with the boys. What?!?! You didn't know I fish? Well, I don't really...but I watch....sort of.
  • I got myself some easy reading material to take along.

By this evening, I should be an expert on the fall know, what's coming in and going out...which ones I agree with and which ones I'll chalk up to "are you kidding me?!?"

Feel free to ask me your burning fall fashion questions...because after all, I am an expert...I read the magazine. ;)

Happy Friday Bloggy Friends!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

It Has Begun...

The back to school shopping has begun.

I totally love back to school shopping...well, I love shopping anyways.

We started with shoes. Which may have been a bad place to start. Because ya'll know I have a certain weakness in regards to shoes...even boys shoes (even when the little rascals REFUSE pick the ones I like.) I had (sweet) dreams of my 3 little guys all with matching Converse Chucks (each a different color of course.) They'd be so cute...

They had other things in mind. Skechers. With Airators...which apparently blow air between your toes?!? Anyways, I suppose that's what I get for begging them to watch cartoons so I can have a "second" *cough* to blog. Dang marketing with all their commercials.

The store we went to was having the Buy one get one 1/2 off. Phew.

The Run-down. (Our school requires) The Kindergartner and First Grader each need 2 pairs of shoes. One to wear to school and out to recess (i.e. gets totally trashed) and one pair to wear inside that stays at the school.

The pair in the middle was for the 3 year old...because he still believes me when I say those are the ones he should get (well, sort of, he rejected my first choice.) By Golly, that counts for something.

You should note, that none of them have actual shoe strings...we are

"tie-ing challenged" in our not judge...lest ye be judged. ;)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

One of THOSE Days...

I have resorted to just letting my children act like animals for right now. I am tired of having to intervene ALL the time. Literally, someone is always crying about the injustice one of the other brothers has caused. Mommy cannot take it anymore. Today, it's survival of the fittest,boys...good luck with that.

With all the screaming, fighting and general rough-housing amongst them, I cannot concentrate...I am (blaming) dedicating this boring post to my children.

It begins with this:

I have lost all control. Obviously. I did have a couple hour break though, to get my hair cut...Thank you, Jesus...and my friend Shanon for watching them.

Before: (Ignore the junk on the counter)


The hair-cut did make me feel better...but eventually I had to go home.

I am normally a total home-body. I love being at home. But the past few weeks, my children seem to turn into crazies here at home...and without a break, the house is a disaster. I've made the best possible choice ;) We're now going to avoid being home as much as possible, until August 18th comes around...which Hallelujah.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The Look...

Notice Jake's shirt before...

And a few hours later...

So goes life in the parsonage. My children are always dirty. I gave up trying to keep them clean a long, long time ago. In fact, I'm just so used to them being dirty, I hardly even notice it anymore.

Until the other day that is...I happened to take all of them to run some errands (very bad idea.) Our last stop was the grocery store. They were bugging each other and fighting over who got to ride in the "school bus cart"...I was trying to maintain my composure, and then I met her in the frozen food aisle.

She was cute, young and pregnant, probably with her first baby. She was strolling the aisles in peace and quiet (alone)...well, until she came upon us.

She gave me the look. I know this look...I too, once gave it to mothers with rowdy, dirty kids. It was the look of idealism. The look that says, "honestly, is it so hard to clean your kids up before you leave the house!?!"

I smiled and her...and I smiled all the way home...because someday, that cute little thing may have three little boys, that 5 minutes after a bath are somehow dirty again...because I know first hand, that's what happens to young ladies who give the look. *smiles*

Friday, June 13, 2008

Catching Up...

Yesterday when we decided it was time to pack-up and move back home (even if it meant no hot water for awhile) the boys sobbed. Apparently, staying at Grandma and Grandpa's was a little too much fun :) I don't blame them. I can't compete with the endless supply of junk food grandma provided, the 4 wheeler rides, cousins, whirlpool bath-tub, and the farming.

The one thing G&G don't have...a computer or Internet. Turns out, I have a teeny tiny dependence on the Internet. (I know you're all just gasped with shock) Guess what they're getting for Christmas!?! When I finally logged on this morning, I found I have 388 posts to read...from just 4 days of no computer. But, I couldn't be happier as I sit here in my bathrobe and 4th mug of coffee...feels a little bit like "normal" long as I avoid the basement, news and the rest of my tiny-town :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Gonna Do Better...

Yesterday was madness in the parsonage... I should have received the
Mommy Loser Award...if there is such a thing. Although, if you would have asked me yesterday, I would have totally blamed it on how wild and outta control my children were being. (In fact, if you talked to me in person yesterday...I did...sorry:)

I have read blog after blog from wonderful moms preparing themselves for summer...just jumping at the chance to have their kids home and spend time with them. Then there's me. I love summer...but I cringe a little bit at the chaos that comes from being with three little boys all the time :) I love them more than life...but it doesn't mean that they don't drive me a little bit crazy now and then ;) Yesterday is proof.

By last night I was already starting to feel the Holy Spirit's conviction about, well, basically my overall behavior yesterday. I realized that I need to switch to summer mode. I need to make a new routine with my children. I need to enjoy them. ENJOY them.

This morning I was reading one of my favorite, FAVORITE blogs. Stephanie is a mom to boys, and one beautiful little girl, and she's a few steps ahead of me in the mommy journey. I am learning so much through her sharing her journey...which is really what blogging is sort of about. I read several of her posts that she had written to her children and each one encouraged me to be a better mommy...starting now. Go give her some blog-love, you'll be a better mom for it. Oh, and take some Kleenex (unless you're unlike me and do not cry at everything :)

Today is Noah's last day of school...let the summer fun and chaos begin. I'm praying for God's guidance in figuring out our new summer groove :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Rocks 4 Sale

Gotta love it. Little boys selling rocks out of the back of their Gator.

Their slogan, which Eli shouted over and over, at the top of his lungs..."Get your shiny rocks here"...they're quite the salesmen, they offered free flowers (weeds) with purchase. Price of the beautiful shiny rocks:$.50. You bet I bought some...I know a good deal when I see it.

Happy Mother's Day!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Process

If you stop by my house today, you will find me upstairs, buried in clothes. Yesterday I started, what I like to call, "The Process." It's the bi-annual shifting of the clothes. This time it's from cold weather to warm.

It is a monumental task...involving many, MANY piles. It is also a 2-day minimum project. Yesterday I got Noah & Eli's closet (somewhat)weeded out, but I ran out of time to dig in the attic to find the containers of warm weather clothing and complete the switcheroo, so the piles that were left from yesterday have now been rummaged through. I should know better.

I am drowning in boys clothes. As many of you know, when you have 3 kids of the same sex, hand-me-downs are FANTASTIC! But...storing them, and sorting them...big job. Here's where the piles come in...
Piles: Jake too small, Eli too small but still too big for Jake, Eli grow into, Noah too small but too big for Eli, Noah grow into, will fit Jake, will fit Eli, will fit Noah, stuff I never want to see again, stuff in bad condition, stuff in good condition...and on and on and on.
The other problem I'm running into attic (where I store everything) is a DISASTER (thanks to me)! I can barely get in there to get the containers in and out...really, someone should do something about that! :) Oh yeah...I guess that would be me.
Today, the to-do list is Jake's closet and mine and Ben''s lofty, I know. We have too much stuff (me especially.) Have you ever wanted to just get rid of everything except 5 shirts, pants, undies, etc?!? I know that there are people who do it...and I admire that. I think it would save on laundry...and this whole "process" would be MUCH easier. I'm not that brave yet. Maybe by the end of the day, I will be!
PS - blogger hates me today. It will not keep my paragraphs seperated, no matter how many times I change it. I give up.

Friday, April 18, 2008

It Doesn't Get Any Better...

Seriously...does it get any better than this for supper!?!

Coco-Puffs with a little Fruit Loops thrown in...only Eli.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Consequences...

Remember this? Well, today this is life in the parsonage. Do you think the other pastor's wives that lived in this parsonage had days like this? I have not been feeling so hot the past few days. I think I may have gotten Jake's "sore throat, headache, chills, achy all over, leave me alone so I can get better" sickness. I just needed to rest...who I am kidding...with my children,

You Rest: You Pay the Consequences.

Yes...that is our obese Wiener Dog eating a cheese quesadilla that was prepared by a 2 year old. Good times.

This is Jake playing in his mess of


The boy can get into all kinds of naughty...just give him a chair.

WHY?!? Why the need to eat everything!

My sweet little Jakob, how do you do it? How do you instinctively know you can get away with all kinds of stuff when I am sick OR on the phone or *cough* computer?!? And how do you know to immediately say "I sorry! I sorry!" and then flash me those little dimples that seem to make even the naughtiest of things seem...cute? You are a brilliant little creature, you really are...but mommy is tired...time for Dora :)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Things That Break...

I'm a "lamp" person. I can't explain it, but I have something against over-head lighting...I love the ambiance of lamps. I also have three almost every single lamp in our house has been taped back together with electrical tape (more than once.) The tape works great...the lamp shades...not so much. No matter how much I try to bend them back into shape, they're really never quite the same after the fall. In this pic, they were playing "spies." In their ever sneaky attempt to clobber quietly out of the office, they took my desk lamp with them. As you can see from their faces...they've done this before! It's okay...its all part of life with boys :)
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