Showing posts with label music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label music. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Now I Get It...

I first heard the song below a few weeks ago.

I didn't like it. I'm not sure why. It just didn't seem "catchy" as I listened to it.

But then it grew on me a little. And then I added it to my ipod. And last Friday night I added it to my new playlist called "Humid Running" because, well, it's been humid and it makes running even less fun. I figured a playlist for it would help.

It did.

And during the 8 miles last Saturday I fell in love with this song...because I sang it (in my head and not out loud) as a worship song. And then I got's a worship song.

God of this city. God of this tiny-town. Same difference. He's made it the cry of my heart.

There is no one like our God.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Let's Discuss...

Let's pretend I have some deep thoughts.  *cough*

In no particular order:
  • When did the word "piss"  become not a bad word!?!  I missed the memo on that one.  Everyone is saying it lately...and it makes me cringe a little.  In my head...still a bad word.  I've even tried  being cool about it...after all, I know language changes over time.  I'm guilty of using the word "crap" which I'm pretty sure used to be less than kosher to say. Still, I'm gonna admit, I can't get used to it.  In this house:  Still a bad word. 
  • Last day of school.  Hip Hip Hooray!  
  • Have to go to Wal
  • My friend Sarah introduced me to the songs below.  I can't even tell you how much I love them!  Peppy little tunes, I tell you.
  • I love Fridays.  
  • I haven't had coffee yet...need to go make some...please excuse me...
Happy Weekend!

Love these.  

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Makes Me Laugh!

I've been tagged by Kelly at Love Well with a meme, which works out perfectly because I had nothing to post about today!  AND it involves my ipod (and we all know how much I love to talk about my ipod)

A Meme for your iPod

1. Put your iPod (or MP3 player) on shuffle. 
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Tag some Moms you admire who could use a laugh and a song.

Seriously, this is so funny! I could not have picked better songs if I had TRIED!  

There is a Fountain (Selah) 


Falling For You (Leeland) 


The Hard Way (DC Talk) 

Set Me Free (Casting Crowns)

Saviour, Please (Josh Wilson)

IF SOMEONE SAYS “Can I have a snack?” YOU SAY?
You Reign (Mercy Me) 

What Soldiers Do (Monk & Neagle)

Love Story (Taylor Swift)

Never Going Back to OK (The Afters)


Jesus Take the Wheel (Carrie Underwood) 

Lift Your Eyes (Leeland)

Feelin' So Fly (Tobymac) 

Your Grace is Enough (Matt Maher) 

Thief in the Night (Leeland)

Love to Say Your Name (John Waller)

Enter This Temple (Leeland)


My Fortress (Jeremy Camp) 

Does Anybody Hear Her (Casting Crowns)

Kids of the Future (Jonas Brothers) 

Free to be Me (Francesca Battistelli)

Can't Stop (Leeland)

Fallin' (Monk & Neagle)

Falling into Place (The Afters) 

So Long Self (Mercy Me)

Opposite Way (Leeland)

By and By (Selah)


In Me (Casting Crowns)

I tag you all, because it's so fun.  Let me know if you do it.  I'm easily entertained by this!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

He's Got a Plan...

When God is trying to teach me something, He hammers me from all sides. I'm pretty sure this is because if He tried from just one angle, I could pretend to ignore it. Generally, whatever He's trying to teach me is something that my natural self wants to just ignore...because it's gonna be hard. And I'm lazy.

It's also gonna be for my own good, because He loves me like that...enough to not let me settle for where I'm at.

Back in January two things happened.

  1. The Bible Study, Living Beyond Yourself began. He used amazing women to bring this about, from the idea of it, to another bloggy pastor's wife to send me the DVDs, without hesitation!
  2. The 1/2 Mary idea. An idea that I'd never even considered, because who in their right mind wants to run that long?!?! NOT ME. The idea was first planted by a good friend...and from there the Holy Spirit just would not let me get it out of my head.
There's a reason. There's a theme. The most important, spiritually, is that I have GOT to live beyond myself...I cannot make it on my own strength and abilities. I just cannot. It's one thing to know this, it's a whole other thing to actually stop doing it on my own, and allow Him to do it.

Here comes the 1/2 Mary plan into motion. I do not love running. I want to, I really want to. The idea of training for the 1/2 is as daunting as the 13.1 mile race for me. Because on my own, I'm lazy. And a quitter. And He whispers to my heart,
You're right won't make it on your own, that's why I'm here. And I'm not gonna let you quit, because this lesson here, it's so, so important my child. It's time to start living beyond yourself...spiritually and physically, because then maybe you'll get what I'm trying to teach you here.

And you know what? I believe Him. I'm scared. And I'm skeptical. And I'm still lazy and whiny...but He doesn't care and He doesn't give up, because He knows that when I finally "get" it, it's gonna all be worth it.

It's gonna be worth it.

I love songs that just speak exactly what I'm feeling...this one hits it dead on. If there's one thing that people walk away from, after knowing me in person, or through this blog, is that I am nothing without Him, nothing without His love.
Enjoy :)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Instead of Going Through the Motions

I had trouble with my blog feed yesterday, a super smart bloggy friend told me to delete my RSS button...and she was right! So, if your blog is not being caught by the feed readers, that may be why.

Also, I'm contemplating setting up a running blog so that the topic doesn't over-run this blog, it will be more of an online journal, of training and stuff I'm learning. Any thoughts? 

Lately I've been feeling a lot like I did when I first became a Christian.

There was a insatiable hunger to learn everything I could about my new Savior. I bombarded those around me who had known Him longer, who knew what they were talking about. Experiencing His forgiveness freed me in a way that made anything seem possible. It's as if I caught a glimpse of just how big He is, and I knew He had big plans.

And then regular, everyday life continues...and years go by, and I find myself continually fighting against apathy. Against putting God in a tiny little box. It's a constant battle. Maybe people reach a point of spiritual maturity where they don't battle this....or maybe it's human nature, and battling it is just part of having faith.

What I do know is this: He is bigger than my apathy, and He will not be put in a box. The second I call out to Him, He shows up...shakes my heart up again reminds me of who He is, what He's done.

And right now, I just can't get enough of Him. Learning new things, understanding old things. Standing back, in awe, as He moves in the lives of people around me. He's always doing it...I just miss seeing it sometimes. Not this time.

This song has been blasting through my iPod for the past few days.

No need to explain why.

I don't want my life to be defined as going through the motions. As a wife, a mom, a friend, a believer...heck, even a runner...just OK is not enough...I want His all consuming passion inside of me.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

You Asked For It...

Since I'm unable to shut up about my iPod and the wonder if itunes I've decided to give you the names of the 15 songs I've purchased from there.

I'm sure it will be life changing for you. *cough*

Also, pretend there's a little disclaimer here for my pastor husband. It says something like... the husband of this woman is in no way responsible for her music choices(no matter how ridiculous I think they may be), she is a grown woman of God and I allow her to exercise her free will that Christ has given her. Or something like that. Ben and I have completely different musical tastes. We have some common ground, but let's just say Donnie and Marie sang it best with she's a little bit country, and he's a little bit rock and roll...except we're reversed, and I'm not even sure if that's how that song goes....whatever.

Moving on.

This has got to be the most random list of songs ever purchased from itunes.

In random order: (I've linked to the song when I could, just so you can hear it if you haven't'll have to go to itunes to get the real deal)

Sweetly Broken by Jeremy Riddle (About my first love)

Free to be Me by Francesca Battistelli (new one for me, love her voice)

By Your Side by Tenth Ave North (Makes me weep, I swear it was written for me)

You're Beautiful (radio version) by James Blunt (I've loved this song forever, Ben makes fun of it all the time...he does quite the impersonation.)

Love Story by Taylor Swift (*sigh* the video is even better)

Sweet Home Alabama by Lynrd Skynard (classic)

Spiderwebs by No Doubt (for running)

Just a Girl by No Doubt (for running)

Sweet Escape (clean version) by Gwen Stefani (for running)

Circus by Britney Spears (I could run for miles to this song, it's catchy...but the video...very bad, it's sad that she has to be half naked to promote everything)

Real World by Matchbox Twenty (I LOVE this guys voice, it's for running too)

Ice Ice Baby By Vanilla Ice (we've discussed this already :)

I Want You to Want Me (Live) by Cheap Trick (I'm a child of teenage parents in the late 70's...this was my FAVORITE song growing up...I still love it!)

Take It On the Run by REO Speedwagon (same deal, I saw them in concert with my aunt and uncle when I was little...I thought it was the best thing ever...still do ;)

See...told you. I'm weird. Now it's your turn, tell me your craziest ipod song...I might want to get it :)

My friend Beth hosted a contest to pick a name for her new camera and I WON! Prize: $15 itunes card! YAY! I'm sure you're on the edge of your seat to find out my next 15 songs ;)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sometimes I Pretend I Can Rap...

I mentioned my beautiful green iPod the other day.  I have to tell you, I had NO IDEA what I was missing out on all these years.  I imagine it's the same way I'll feel when I finally get one of those fancy-shmancy mini-vans where you push a button to open the door.

Anyhow, the itunes store and I have become best friends.  You would die, DIE  if you knew how much time I have wasted spent just looking up songs to hear the 5 seconds of free listening.  I am that easily amused.  I especially like punching in a year (1989-1996) in particular because it brings up the top 100 songs or so...and in a second it takes me back in time.  

And it turns out....I still very much heart all those songs.
And at .99 a song, I can't help myself.  It's like creating my own schizophrenic CD.  It's awesome.   

It's also made it crystal clear that my music tastes are all over the place.   I would share them with you...but seriously, I think it's a little more than you can handle.  I'm just sayin'.  

It has left me pondering one thing...Am I the only pastor's wife who bought Vanilla Ice's, Ice Ice Baby for my ipod?  Am I?  Tell me there's another out there who can "rap" the whole song.  

Need a refresher?  Click here.  

I'm off to practice my dance moves.  

Word to your mother. (which I googled, because I in fact have no idea what that saying means, turns out it was coined by Vanilla Ice during his 15 minutes of fame, it means "I tell you the truth, my friend."  I think it could also mean "what a white 31 year old mother of 3 says when  she wants to pretend she's a rapper."  I am a wealth of important information today, aren't you glad you stopped.)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Let Me Introduce You To...

Last Saturday I was painting Jakob-turned-Julie's room and had my trusted little pink Sansa hooked up to speakers so I could have me some music.
Remember the Sansa? Didn't think so.

Anyways, the Sansa and I have had a good couple of years. Ben got it for me for Mother's Day after I'd started running...I may have begged for it. Turns out, I'm quite attached to it.

Back to my I was in the middle of painting and suddenly realized that only one of the two speakers was playing music. I fiddled with the chords and then did what any reasonable woman does when she still has lots of painting to do...I tapped the speaker lightly. Nothing. Banged it on the floor several times. Nothing.

The next resort was to call in the husband before I pushed the speaker to its limit. Still, the speaker would not cooperate.

Fast forward a couple days. I sit down at the computer with my Sansa and headphones and guess what!?! The headphones only work out of one speaker. Huh. Turns out, I'd abused the speaker for no was actually the Sansa's fault.

I lasted a whole two days before I had to go out and purchase a new one. This time, it's an iPod. Cute little green one. And I heart it already. I used money I'd earned babysitting...which makes me sound like a 15 year old. Big surprise.

Meet little green iPod and the earphones that actually fit in my ears:

Try not to be too impressed with my amazing photography skills.

And while I'm at it...I'd like to introduce you to my new glasses. I normally wear contacts, but it had been a good four years since I've had updated glasses *gasp* so, here they are:

Ignore the hair. It got washed, but that's about it. Frankly, it's lucky to be clean.

Here's a terrible shot of the side, but I had to show you because they follow my little bit ugly rule. See, they're alternating black and brown and the frames are plastic but the bows are metal. Weird-o.

Love 'em so far.

Vanity, vanity all is vanity ;)

Friday, January 23, 2009


I really did try to come up with a new thought for this post, but my mind is sill consumed with all the stuff I've already blogged about this week...and then some.

Here's some beyond randomness that's going on in my head...

  • This was my first week of half-marathon training. The halfsie (which is my new pet name for it) will be in June. I've got me some time. BUT, this body needs it, trust me. I printed the customized schedule from Runners World and highly recommend the website.
  • Tomorrow night I have a date with my husband...which is looong over due.
  • Still waiting to hear back from the principal of our high school about the exchange students placement. Last night we had our final interview and all of the paper work is we wait. I would be a terrible candidate for adopting, I can hardly wait to find out if we get to host this girlie...and she's not even mine. All you bloggy friends who are in the adopting process have some special prayers coming from my are amazing.
  • Living Beyond Myself. It's no easy task.
  • Eli broke his glasses. We made it half the school year...far longer than I thought we would. If the eye Dr. can't fix them we're gonna make duct taped glasses cool again...I think we can pull it off.
  • I can't stop listening to the following song today. It's sort of an oldie, which is why I heart it so much.

  • I'm a little obsessed with the Pottery Barn Teen catalog right now.
  • I've been a little scattered this week. Started lots of different things and finished nothing. Annoying.
  • Happy Friday!! YAY!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

To Find You...

My faith in Jesus defines me. I know this. It's who I am, to the core of my being. He changed me...and in still in the process, but without a doubt, I cannot for one second deny the change He's done.

I know who I was. And I know who I am now.

When someone close to me, whom I love immeasurably, walks away from that same hurts in a way I can't explain. Sometimes they're aware of what they're doing, and sometimes...not.

Last night, as I was driving to a friends Tupperware party, I was stewing about the situation with this one I care about so much. Playing conversations in my head, over and over. Some of the conversations were real...others were know the ones...where I'm all tellin' them what they need to hear, and they're all listening and responding positively...funny how it goes perfectly in my head and never that great in real life :)

Anyways, I was also making a mental list of all the possible reasons they were turning their back on a God who is so obviously trying to love them, and WHY this was such a bad, bad move.

I came up with a pretty good list.

But the didn't make me feel better. It gave me a sense of hopelessness.

I happened to be listening to a CD that I've listened too since I was 15. It's an Audio Adrenaline Greatest Hits, and a song came on.

This song, in particular, I've never cared for. Something about the style of it makes me skip over it every. single. time. But last night, I know without a doubt God meant for me to hear the words to that song, because as I moved to push the skip button, I suddenly knew I needed to hear what that song said.

And, like so many other things in my life, something I didn't care for at all has now become one of my favorites.

I'm lost and broken all alone on this road
The wheels keep turning but the feeling is gone
when I fear I'm on my own
But you remind me i am not alone

You say..

I'd leave ninety-nine
Leave them all behind
To find you
(For you alone)I'd leave ninety-nine
Leave them all behind
To find you

It's dark and lonely and the path is unclear
Can't move my feet because I'm frozen with fear
And you say, my child, my child
I am always here, I'm by your side

I'd leave ninety-nine
Leave them all behind
To find you
(For you alone) I'd leave ninety-nine
Leave them all behind
To find you

You're never too far down
I promise you'll be found,
I'll reach into the mud,
the miry clay
pursue you to the end,
like a faithful friend,
nothing in this world,
will keep me away,

I'd leave ninety-nine
Leave them all behind
To find you
(For you alone) I'd leave ninety-nine
Leave them all behind
To find you... to find you..

I was filled with peace. All of my own words were washed away with the truth this song brings out of scripture. The song reads like a love letter from Jesus. He pursues us, because He loves us...and He knows where each one of us is at today, the good, the bad, and the ugly in each of us. He's not intimidated when we run from Him...and some of us know we've been running for a looooong time.

And He PURSUES us. Nothing in this world can keep Him away. Nothing.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


There are many things that I seem to forget quite easily.

Other things I can't seem to let go of.

Seems like many times I forget the things I should remember most, and remember the things that should have been let go.

All of it...and I mean ALLLLL of it boils down to this:

All of Him, is more than enough for, all of me.

Still more awesome than I know...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hungry Eyes...

Dear Ande's Mint Pie that I bought from the Schwan's man,

I can't help but dedicate a classic 80's song to you. I apologize in advance for the boring video, but it's the only one that didn't have a PG13 rating to go along with it.

Even at 510 calories a are still the best pie...ever.
Much love,

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

This is Who I Am...

I'm not trying to hide anything, I wear it on my sleeve.

I wear it on my sleeve.

I'm not trying to be something I'm not. This is all I've got.

This is all I've got.

I'm not trying to reinvent the wheel...just trying to be real.

Just trying to be real.

I'm not trying to say, follow me...I'm not the one who leads.

I'm not the one who leads.

Let me introduce myself to you...this is who I am. No more no less.

I am just a man who understands, because of You I'm more no less.

I'm not trying to prove anything, it's all about the change. It's all about the change.

Yesterday I felt...weary. It's been a week or so I sometimes get bogged down with other people lives...the heaviness and the heartache.

Finally around 7 last night I knew I needed to run on the treadmill...for my sanity. "Running For My Sanity" should be the theme of a 5k....Anyways...

God works through my little Sansa, I kid you not.

One of my all-time favorite songs came on (because I picked it ;)

It's a little one called No More No Less. I relate to the above lyrics in a way that I can't even put into words.

At the end of the says this:

I hope you stare just long enough to see

the heart that's beating here inside of me

beyond all of the things you may think you know, I'm just a kid trying to make it home...that's it.

No more no less.

Lord, I wanna go home. Nothing more and nothing less.

I just wanna go home....nothing more and nothing less.

Let me introduce myself to you...this is who I am...this is who I am.

And I...sobbed...while running. Not pretty, I assure you. But EXACTLY what I needed to be reminded of from my Savior.

He knows that beyond what other roles people see me in...I'm just a kid, His kid, longing to be home...longing for Heaven. Seeking to fulfill the plan He has for me here...but longing for my real home.

I love my life...but I absolutely long for Heaven. And the fact that He spoke to me last night through those verses filled me with peace.

Peace in knowing that He knows the burdens I carry, and He knows I long to be with Him, and He reminded me where my hope lies...and of who I really am.

Have a's worth it :)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Lay it Down...

If you could see me now...

  • it would not be pretty.

  • sitting at the computer, headphones in (trying to block out a 3 year old's incessant whining that is frankly driving me to drink....excessive amounts of coffee.)

  • Making lists. Menu list, grocery list, things that need to be organized list, cleaning list, Bible Club to-do list, Bible Study to-do list, get my butt in gear list...on and on.

  • sitting here with a complete lack of ideas on what to blog about.

  • feeling a little inadequate in just about every area right now.

  • hoping the Schwan's guy doesn't come while I'm sitting here because I don't have an order for him and that makes me feel bad...for some reason.

  • listening to this song that just came on my quickly I forget to do this...

Everything I am

Everything I long to be

I lay it down, at your feet

I lay it down, I lay it down, I lay it your feet.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Still in There...

Know what's been on my mind a lot lately?

Teenagers. For a couple of reasons:

The past few weeks I've reconnected with some friends from highschool through the previously mentioned wonders of Facebook. It's got me thinking about how fast time has flown by.

In a couple of months I will be 31 years old, but the words of this post, ring as true as ever. (you should go read it, because I wrote it back when I had about 5 people reading my blog, there's a good chance you didn't read it me.)

I have matured...for sure. But much of that same dorky quirkiness is still living inside of this body. And ya know what...I heart that silly 15 year old...she's the one that get's excited about the little things. Gives people the benefit of the doubt...remembers to give some grace...isn't afraid to ask why or ask hard questions, and easily admits she stands in awe before a Holy God, whom she can't wrap her tiny brain around.

The second reason I've got teenagers on the brain is that I'm going to start teaching a high school Sunday School class...which will consist of myself and 2 girls that are foreign exchange students. I'm already praying for them, because seriously, it's hard enough for people who speak English as their first language to follow my randomness...poor girls...I'm pretty sure the Holy Spirit will be doing some divine interpreting for them ;)

Anyways, last night I went and got a Revolve Devotional Bible for teenage girls (it's a gift to my inner 15 year old;) and the study we're gonna do, which is Experiencing the Heart of Jesus student edition by Max Lucado. When Ben was in seminary we worked with the teens...I didn't realize how much I missed it until I was standing in the bookstore looking at all the different resources.

Fun stuff.

There's more:

  1. Picked up this CD for this's my current fave...and life theme.
  2. My parents are coming tonight to help Ben install my new light from IKEA. Happy Day! Pics tomorrow.

Phew! This was a long one.

Friday, September 19, 2008

I Am Everyday People

Again today...nothing.

Oh I do have one thing...that's actually quite interesting and meaningful, but you'll have to wait for Monday for that one. I know, I know, you're wondering how on earth you'll make it through the weekend with all the pent up anticipation *insert tongue in cheek*

Points of interest or just points...
  • Jake and I ran to Target this morning because I needed some cold medicine and some Kleenex with vicks (at the recommendation of this real life friend:) Oh sure, there's places closer than Target...but not with a Starbucks inside ;) I'm sick afterall... ;)

  • Those Kleenex with invention ever (next to Starbucks and cooked bacon of course) They are fabulous. You can bet that by the end of this day EVERYONE I come into contact with with be made aware of how wonderful I think they are...cuz I'm annoying like that.

  • This may sound weird (and all you runners out there can go ahead and back me up on this one) but when I have a head cold, running is about the only time it feels better! Weird, I know, but it seriously clears my head.

  • Heee Haw tastes like Mt. Dew...well it's supposed to anyways.

  • Jake and I grooved to this song over and over and over on the way to Target.(I found it on an old WOW CD in my van...I had no idea it was on there...who knew?!?) Go listen, (but not to the first 11 seconds of the video, cuz that's NOT the song...the real song starts at 12 seconds ;) it's a good happy Friday song.

  • Hope ya'll have a fantastic weekend!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

One Answer...

I've been avoiding the news for quite some time now. I'm annoyed with all the "analyzing" of candidates.

I heart politics. I do. But I do not like debating about it.

My minds made up. Morally, ethically, socially, economically, I fall on a certain side...BUT, do I think my party is "the answer"...absolutely not.

I think both parties fail...miserably. I pick one, I pick a side because it's America, it's how it works.

I think there is one answer. And he is Jesus.

Makes me think of a song :)

My favorite part (I've highlighted in the fab color of orange) is a spoken part of the song..and it is RIGHT ON.

You can listen here. Enjoy.


What this world needs

Is not another one hit wonder with an axe to grind,

Another two bit politician peddlin` lies,

Another three ring circus society.

What this world needs Is not another sign wavin` super saint that's better than you,

Another ear pleasin` candy man afraid of the truth,

Another prophet in an Armani suit.

What this world needs

Is a Savior who will rescue,

A Spirit who will lead,

A Father who will love them in their time of need.

A Savior who will rescue,

A Spirit who will lead,

A Father who will love,

That's what this world needs.

What this world needs

Is for us to care more about the inside than the outside.

Have we become so blind that we can't see?

God's gotta change her heart before He changes her shirt.

What this world needs

Is for us to stop hiding behind our relevance.

Blendin` in so well that people can't see the difference

And it's the difference that sets the world free.

What this world needs

Is a Savior who will rescue,

A Spirit who will lead,

A Father who will love them in their time of need.

That's what this world needs.


People aren't confused by the gospel,

They're confused by us.

Jesus is the only way to God,

But we are not the only way to Jesus.

This world doesn't need

My tie, my hoodie,

My denomination, or my translation of the Bible,

They just need Jesus.

We can be passionate about what we believe,

But we can't strap ourselves to the gospel.

Because we're slowing it down

Jesus is going to save the world,

But maybe the best thing we can do

Is just get out of the way.

Monday, August 25, 2008

To All My Tone Deaf Friends...

It's time my friends.

It's time to let you in on a little game I play...ok, really there are LOTS of little games I play. Like, when driving through a really fancy neighborhood...I pick my house. You know, the one...the one I'd buy if it were at all in my league.

Hmmm...I wonder if anyone with ooodles of money has ever driven by my house and thought, "If I were middle-class...I'd totally pick THAT one."

...back to the game for today. While driving to Pizza Hut last night (to pick up supper and no, I did not get these because my neighbor brought over cake, which I ate for breakfast ;) I caught myself playing this game...the "If I could sing, I pick her voice" game.

Now, there are some (made up) rules.

  1. If God has blessed you with the gift of song, you my friend, are ineligible to play. Your God-given gift completely and totally disqualifies you. But, if you happen to be like myself, and can only sound pleasant after turning the music up so loudly that you can no longer hear yourself...this is your game.

  2. If you are one of the gifted by God singers, and you're feeling a little left out, by all means, go ahead and play the "If I didn't have the gift of song, and I could be totally tone deaf, I would be (fill in the blank)" game.

  3. Pick anyone your little heart desires.

I've been playing this game a long time, and every so often my choice changes. It's the benefit of the tone deaf. I get to change my mind :)

For quite awhile choice is her.

That's right...I'd totally be country :) Jennifer Nettles from Sugarland, you win.

Your turn.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jesus Is Still Alright...

Yesterday I mentioned that my dc Talk dance moves frightened my children :)

It's Saturday, and I think my bloggy friends deserve a visual. No, I do not have a video of me. But trust me, this video is worth watching. I learned some of my (fabulous) moves from watching it over and over back in the day.

I also know every. single. word. I can dance, and rap on the treadmill...I am that talented.

I promise you a laugh...just watch...and visualize me "....kickin' it Jesus style..."

HA! Seriously, you owe me for this one. And I'll try not to talk about dc Talk again for awhile *wink*

Friday, July 18, 2008

15 Again...

Yesterday I actually got on the treadmill. It had been awhile. My friend Billie and I have been running outside, but missed a day this week so I decided to try the dreaded treadmill again.

Every time I run, my body hates the first 5 minutes. It just does. After that, it gets in a groove and it's not quite as bad.
On the's the first TEN minutes. Bad...very bad. Good thing for Toby Mac...I listened to the same 2 songs over and over for 3.5 miles. The boys kept coming in to see what I was doing because it had been so long since they'd heard the treadmill running.

I don't particularly enjoy them hanging around the treadmill when I am on it, but no one was listening to me to get out (surprise) so I decided I would need to scare them away.

So, I slowed down the pace so I could perform my dance routine while on the treadmill. While singing. It worked. Noah was the first to bolt...and the other two followed. It was lovely. I knew my awesome dance moves would come in handy.

OK, fast forward to last night...I was in the store and bought THIS!

DC Talk defined my life from the years 1992-1996. I've mentioned here that I have a slight compulsion when it comes to music...and this one lasted at least 4 years...and then some.

I put that CD in and it was as if I'd gone back in time! Some of those songs I hadn't heard in 10 years...but you should have seen how cool I a 30 year old woman (in her mini van) rapping to DC Talk *wink* I OF COURSE still knew all the words :)

Back in the day, I knew the music had a good message, and I also knew I had a slight crush on Kevin Max, but now, looking back, I can see how God used the Biblical truths in their music to shape and guard a young teenagers heart for God. Their music reinforced truth, and I listened to it over and over and OVER. I know God used to shape who I am today.

And now, as a mom of three, I'm praying that God would do the same for my boys.

Happy Friday Bloggy Friends!

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