Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Just Thinking...

This week I had to share some bad news with my brother.  It just so happened that earlier in the same day, he'd gotten some really great news.  He texted me back, saying "that's the story of my life, whenever something good happens then something bad happens."  

My response:  That's the story of everyones life.

That's life.  I tend to try to keep a check and balance thing going, finding some contentment if the "good things" side of the scale outweighs the "bad."  But that's not how life works.  And it's certainly not how my God intends me to view it.  Life is always good stuff and hard stuff going on simultaneously.  

My perception of the bad is often what He intends for good.  

I can't shake the words of Paul, in the book of Philippians where he says, 

for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.  I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (4:11-13)
Contentment is not easily attained.  Especially in today's society, even among believers.

We sing a song at church...Count Your Blessings.  Count your blessings, name them one by one...count your many blessings see what God has done.  Even in the hard stuff of life, there is blessing from Him to be found.  Sometimes we just need to look at it through His perspective.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I Found Her a Husband

Guess who Lucy and I got to have coffee with.

Seriously, just take a guess.

Click here to meet Lucy's future husband.  There's a picture involved.  But then, you must come back here so I can finish my story.  I'll wait.

So.  Here's the story.  Five years ago we move to tiny town so Ben can make me a Pastor's wife.  In our tiny church is a lovely family who also has three boys.  The mom's name is Trish.  Trish has a sister named Wendi who lives far far away but comes back a couple times a year for a visit.  I get to meet her.  She's very nice.  She also has boys.

A couple years go by and myself and Wendi discovers the wonder that is blog land.  We blog.  We become real life acquaintances and even better blog friends.  It's fun stuff.  

Then, Wendi has a baby boy, and I have a baby girl and they both have hair.  They must marry each other (obviously)  so that we can all live happily ever after.

What about the other 6 boys between the two of us, you ask?  So glad you asked.  If you have girls, we'll start taking applications.  It's never too early.  Hair is not required.  ;)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oh Yeah, I Have a Blog...

Good grief it's been awhile!  I ran into someone over the 4th, and they said, "I read your blog" and I thought to myself...oh that's right!  I have a blog!  I should write on it! :)

Summer is crazy fun and crazy fast.  I feel the clock ticking away already.  Apparently I can't have fun and write about it at the same time.  Too much work.

Instead, I sit here staring at the screen while drinking coffee and eating left-over graham crackers (from smores.)  Smores that we made in the microwave on the 4th because it was raining.  But really...they're better in the microwave anyways.  And interestingly enough, we always have left over graham crackers and never left over Hershey bars.

Lucy's first 4th of July

It wore her out.

Odie enjoying summer in his own special way.

And more of Lucy...because she can't run away from me yet. :)

Notice how Noah and Eli are missing from the pictures?  They've become increasingly annoyed with being in pictures.  And I have become increasingly annoyed with their annoyed expressions when I take the pictures.  It's time for an intervention.  

I'm off to take their pictures... *wink*


Monday, June 21, 2010

Life Happens


  • Lucy turned 2 months old yesterday.  Jake, my 5 year old, took this picture of us while we were in the nursery during church...while my husband was preaching.  I blame the baby for my goofing around in the nursery.  The photographer:  

  • We had lots of fun on Fathers Day, partying it up with family.  I ate no less than six pieces of cake.  I wish I were exaggerating.  
  • I stole this idea from my friend Wendi.  That's what I do.  Let you creative ones come up with the idea and then I steal it.  I'm like the generic store brand kind of product...it works for me, what can I say?!?

  • Notice the strap going across Eli's chest.  It's my old camera case.  He's storing his game boy and misc. treasures in it.  He refers to it as his European Mens Handbag, which he no doubt picked up from some movie. 
  •  Jake started running a fever yesterday.  This occurred after our goofing off in the nursery and during the Father's Day/May & June Birthday Bash.  He's ok as long as I keep him pumped full of Tylenol/Advil.
  • Lucy gets shots tomorrow.  
  • I've been running now for about 4 weeks.  S-l-o-w-l-y easing back into it.  Ran 4 on Saturday and it finally felt good.  Haven't lost a pound.  Friends keep telling me how great I look...because they are liars kind.  I know they're saying it to encourage me...yet part of me wants to blurt out the number that my scale gives me because they would gasp and be surprised, and it would prove me right that I have a LONG LONG LONG ways to go....but sometimes it's just better to be wrong, no?
  • Lucy is sleeping through the night.  And taking a bottle on occasion when I need her to.  During the day, however, she sleeps lightly, and doesn't like to be put down...and she especially likes her mama, which is oh-so-sweet...except for when its not.  She redeems herself during the evening hours.
  • It's been raining buckets here.  If it continues, tiny town is going to flood.   For real.  Please God let the rain stop.
  • We're doing a parenting class at church on Wednesday nights.  It's by Chip Ingram, called Effective Parenting in a Defective World.  It's really good.  Punch-in-the-gut kind of good.  I'll share more on that another time.
  • Gotta go, my baby is crying because I have disobeyed her rule by actually putting her in the bouncy seat.  Little stinker. :)  

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Like Mother Like Daughter

It's a little humid here...

Looks like baby girl has inherited her mama's hair.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Swagger Wagon

A friend brought this video to my attention...because they know my quirky love for my minivan...and white people rapping.

If you get a chance, check out the other Meet The Family videos from Sienna.  Hi-lar-i-ous.

Interestingly (or sadly)...I really do think I'm cool in my minivan Swagger Wagon :)

For realz.  Enjoy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

It Can Wait...

It's raining here today.  

I need to clean this house.

But there's a Little Miss. that wants to snuggle her mama...

Look at those cheeks...

Irresistible, no?!?

Lucy is 7 weeks old today...the house will wait...the baby won't.

Don't worry, I'll give her a smooch for you.
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